Clarence Ivey began making uncoated, stainless rods back in the 80s, and machined the jag on the rod. He produced a sister rod threaded for brushes. His rods went through several improvements over the years before he turned it all over to Denny. At his age (83?) he just didn't want production pressure any longer. Clarence is the guy who produced rods that Calfee wrote about. He made some blank rods for Calfee to slug barrells.
I haven't seen Denny's rods, but I use the last generation of rods that Clarence produced. Mine are 42 inches, integral jag on one, and the other tapped for brushes. He even machined a ferral(sp?) on them so they would fit the Sinclair rod holders I had. I now use the Ivey(last Clarence) in 22 cal. and keep the Dewey rods for back up.