New build



I am building a new benchrest rifle and would like some suggestions on what barrel to buy -what twist- how many groves. Next What stock to buy? Wood fiberglass or other material. What will cause less viberation. Any help would be a great help. thanks for your time. garrisone.
First question! What game and or what class?

Fiddler: Thanks for responding . I will use this new gun to shoot benchrest -ARA. Before I do anything to the rifle I want to get some idea from some of you better shooters about what will be the best materials to incorporate into this new build. Thanks in advance for any help you may be able to give. garrisone.
First suggestion would be to go to the ARA site and click on the equipment used at the 2008 nationals. That will show that there are several options for components that will do the job for you. I, personally have had good luck, lately, with Broughton barrels. The only really clear winner would be Jewel triggers (unless you shoot a Suhl or Anschulz).