Free advice. Two things that I think are of paramount importance, take it for what'cha paid for it.
Nummah one; make your chamber fit your full length die..... or vicey varsey. If you already have the Redding FL bushing die then have PPG make a reamer from it. Assuming that you DON'T already have the die....... then just get the gun built, fuh'GEDDAbout the Redding mess and call The Bros. Harrell. >> << Get a fitted die for under 80 bucks and be RIGHT. You are all set with the Wilson seater,
ALL you need, and as good as it gets...... learn to use it and spend no more money on seating stuff. Remember, every Wilson is a micrometer top seater. Forty thou/turn.
Nummah Dos; Have your gunsmith chamber SHORT.... this is the single biggest mistake made by BR builders. They slop the chambers in like 'twere a hunting rifle. T'aint.... it's an accuracy platform. Have your gunsmith chamber for a crush-fit on your factory Lapua brass.
Achieve a properly short chamber and proper die fittage and the gun will shoot beyond your wildest dreams......
Ohhhh, and Number Three...... ask lots of questions, there is a real learning curve but worth it.
Ohhh Yeahhh, and Numero Quattro..... Merry Christmas!