Need help on a build!!



Hey guys. Im new to the competition shooting. I want to build a new rifle. I was looking at a savage 110 ba, either the 300 or 338. I currently have a winchester model 70 laredo lrh in a 300 win mag i had for years now. But i came across the xlr stock and they listed a new group of actions for me to consider. I cant spend $4000 on this. Alot of the actions were about 2k, then 6 to 8 for a barrel, then the stock, not to mention another 1k to 2k for optics. the list was from tac 338, surgeon, badger, trg. ect. What action, barrel would be good for the start of this addiction i have. lol. I like the feel of the stocks like the savage and xlr. It just fits me. Im a larger guy. Any info would be a great help.
like the feel of the stocks like the savage and xlr. It just fits me. Im a larger guy. Any info would be a great help.

Sent ya a PM.. Few suggestions...

Define "build a new rifle" please...... does this mean you will do the assembly work or that you will pay someone to build the rifle.

WHO builds the rifle is IMO the single most important item on any list of importance.

As long as you're going to define "build a new rifle," you might say what it's purpose is... As Hombre 0123 discovered, [correction, it's Hombre 0321] there aren't any 1,000 yard benchrest matches in Alabama, even ranges are hard to find. Closest may be in Georgia, or maybe Missouri.
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Charles, Thats "0321" don't cheat me son I worked way to hard for those four little numbers.

As Charles mentioned there are no 1,000 yard matches here just "yet". Next year there is going to be a 1,000 yard informal match in Linden, Alabama. All of us are hoping that this will become a every other month match. Also right here in the Guntersville, Albertville area there is a 1,000 yard range that they are completting the dirt work on "NOW". Just as soon as it is ready I am going to put on a match or two at a 1,000 yards, but if you are close by this range can be shot out to 800 yards now.

There also are 1,000 yard matches not to far in Georgia just south of Atlanta, I wasn't able to get over there this year but I will attend there first match next year. One more thing there is another 1,000 yard practice range. It is on highway 72 right at the Tennessee State line. So we are getting or have some places to shoot at to 1,000 yds. if you have any questions send me an e-mail I will be glad to help in anyway I can......

Thanks guys. Yes Hombre0321 i live about 20 minutes away from guntersville. I will have someone to build it for me. Im not going to build this on my own and second guess my self all the time. It shouldnt be that much more to have a pro do it. I heard of a range in guntersville that was 6 to 800 yds. I havent had time to check it out yet. I need to check out some matches and talk to some of the shooters. Just need to fugure out if i want to stay with the 300 win mag or sell it and go up a notch to the 338 lapua mag. I figure since im going to get this kind of rifle I need good optics. Im looking at the nightforce 12x42x56. Do yall know when the next match(somewhat close) will be? and do you know who i may need to talk to that will be there? primary use will be target shooting. I will hunt with it when I need the distance and accuracy. Weight is not a big issue. I hunt with a 15lb rifle now. I walk all over the place with it, so im use to the weight.
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A few things to consider.

1. Most people who shoot either 600 or 1,000 yard benchrest have a dedicated rifle for that. A benchrest stock is almost invaluable. But that 3-inch, flat forearm is a terrible thing for any other purpose. If you envision this as a carry rifle, you're starting out with a sever compromise.

2. There is nothing wrong with a Winchester Model 70. Phillip Yott, who holds the most lifetime points ever in IBS 1,000 yard benchrest, used a model 70. But it was barrel blocked, both his light and heavy guns. That makes the stock even less suitable for a carry rifle. With your action, you'll need a stock, barrel block, and a trigger. The Jewell triggers for a Model 70 cost a bit more than those that take a 700 type trigger.

3. I would NEVER chamber up a model 70, with its 1-inch tenon for a .338 Lapua. I wouldn't even chamber up a Remington 700 for the Rigsby-diameter cases. Yes, I know people have done it. The 700 will let you use a case based on the 404 Jeffrey, like the untramags. The model 70 will only if you use a slightly larger chamber than is commonly found with match rifles (Jim Borden, in an old Precision Shooting article). Accuracy should be OK though, even with the slightly larger chamber. The model 70 should be fine with a .338/375 Ruger wildcat.

There is no need to push the big .338 bullets over 2,700 2,800 fps. The .338/375 Ruger will do that, and with H-4831, a wonderful powder. Some of the biggest problems with the .338s are are, IMHO, due to powders.

4. The .300 Win Mag is a fine chambering, used by 3-times IBS National Champion Danny Brooks. Just don't get all sweaty about having to have the bullet entirely in the neck. Danny uses the standard freebore length, and 210 Bergers. Yes, the bullet is back in the case. The trophies on his wall look just as good, though.

5. The cheapest way just now is to buy a used rifle. That way, you get a benchrest stock and trigger, and if the rifle has a history of doing well, you know the action is good. Not true of all new non-custom actions. A trued 700 is fine. A Savage is OK. Plan on having to replace the barrel. Remember that dies, etc., add to the tooling costs. Maybe you can get a rifle with those included. If you want a custom, any of the usual suspects (BAT, Viper, Kelbly & probably a few I'm forgetting at 11:30 pm) are just fine., but as you say, you're in for at least $2,500 plus scope & maybe dies.

Hope that helps.

It's been said many times, but is still true: GO TO A MATCH before laying down your money.
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Al, UHH RAHH. Thanks man you must have looked that up, not usually common knowledge.

jr100, There is a match in Hoover ( just south of Birmingham) this month on the 17th. It is a mid-range match at 600 yds. As Charles said might be good for you to attend a match or two and see what there is to see. If you can attend this match and would like to shoot you could shoot one of my Benchrest rifles, and get your feet wet. Be my pleasure if you would like to do that. Drop me a note and we can talk......

Al, UHH RAHH. Thanks man you must have looked that up, not usually common knowledge.

jr100, There is a match in Hoover ( just south of Birmingham) this month on the 17th. It is a mid-range match at 600 yds. As Charles said might be good for you to attend a match or two and see what there is to see. If you can attend this match and would like to shoot you could shoot one of my Benchrest rifles, and get your feet wet. Be my pleasure if you would like to do that. Drop me a note and we can talk......



Actually my threeson is in the Corp, he joined specifically to go recon, all we heard for months was "recon, recon, recon" He had a letter from his recruiter that he could make Force Recon as long as he could test in.

Of course his recruiter lied :)

And of course he found you can't fight the system, so he went infantry....... he's on his second tour right now, in Sangin with Kilo 3/7 until spring. Sounds a lot like your hell actually, summer tour they lived in the water and crawled irrigation tunnels, rotted.

addictive though
