Neck Tension?????



Yes I did a search but was unsatisfied with the findings: Im shooting a 22PPC loaded Rnd neck measures .253 fired case measures .252 Im using a .249 bushing & it seems as though im geeting extreme neck tension. I loaded 3 too short & had to unassemble them with a hammer type puller & had to hit them HARD several times. Is this normal. What is the most common amount to necksize????
Your using way too much neck tension. What is the neck on the reamer? With the info you gave I'd use a.249 or .251 bushing.
Your barrel chamber measures .252", its not a good idea to feed it a .253" neck. You need to turn neck about .0015" or so. Try a little less tension; in fact buy several bushings - maybe .251 and .252 - and try again.
Im shooting a 22PPC. loaded Rnd neck measures .253. fired case measures .252. Im using a .249 bushing & it seems as though im geting extreme neck tension. I loaded 3 too short & had to disassemble them with a hammer type puller & had to hit them HARD several times.

Is this normal?

What is the most common amount to neck size?

First, what is the size of your 22PPC's neck chamber?

Normal depends on the cartridge in use. Tension depends on what your barrel likes best.

My 6PPC has a .262" neck chamber. My round with a bullet seated measures .2605". Vitavuori 133 powder and my barrel like a lot of neck tension so my die's bushing measures .257".

My 30BR neck chamber measures .330". The loaded round with bullet seated is .328". I use bushings that measure .325" and .324". Currently, my barrel insists on the .324" bushing to shoot its best.
With getting real technical, neck tension can be classified in 3 levels.

Light neck tension, bullet can be seated with thumb pressure only (in something like a Wilson seater)
Medium tension, it takes the heel of your hand to seat a bullet.
Heavy tension, requires an arbor press to seat the bullet.

Most all powders will shoot fine with medium tension.

If neck tension is too heavy you stand a chance of flexing the case shoulder which gives irregular seating contact. If tension is too light and you have to unload a loaded round-you can have a mess!!
Well there you go.....the definative BR expert again. Someone get the pen & ink, or better yet the camera
It's amazing what you can gather from others posts....AND retain.
Pretty good for a senile want-a-be. He almost remembered verbatem.

At least Jerry put the information out there to be had. What are you putting out there chopper dude or is that "bum"? Your word!!!!!!!!!! Back off!!!!!!)chill(

Dan Honert
Attention Mr Harris

Well there you go.....the definative BR expert again. Someone get the pen & ink, or better yet the camera
It's amazing what you can gather from others posts....AND retain.
Pretty good for a senile want-a-be. He almost remembered verbatem.
I follow this forum quite a bit and if this site is to keep any respectability at all this poster jshopper should be banned forever. Really sad. It takes a really crude and low lifed person to respond like he/she/it did:mad::mad: It shouldn't even be called a person, how about a slug? How about a scummy slug:p
Someone has apparently removed Jeff Schoppers posts above. I hope it was Jeff who removed them. He needs to do something worthwhile for once.
Is excessive neck tension anything like wearing too small of a hat?

Francis, I got your email of this AM. The WiFi here at the St Louis range is set to not allow sending emails.. I'll email you back Monday. Keeps the Feds off their butts I guess???

Anyhow, it is great that they have WiFi for the shooters to get their emails with and to pester forums with.
Check your necks after seating a bullet and you may find them to different than thought. It takes into account the pressure ring when doing this. You may have done it this way, but I simply thought I would mention it.
Your loaded neck at (.253 - .224)/2 = 14.5thou thickness in the necks
Your fired neck at .252 = 1.5thou springback from a .2535 chamber
Your .249 bushing is producing .249 + 0.0015 = .2505 necks, or .2505-(0.0145x2)-224 = 2.5thou interference('tension')

You already have 1thou interference(tension) without neck sizing, and going past 1.5thou interference results only in neck sizing(expansion) on seating -using bullets instead of a mandrel. This is why seating is so hard.
(0.250 + 0.0015) - (0.0145*2)-0.224 = -0.0015 tension, so your bushing should be .250 for 1.5thou tension, and no actual neck sizing on seating.