NC State IR50/50 Meters Results from Blue Ridge

Kent Owens

Well-known member
We held the NC State meters 3 gun match at Blue Ridge yesterday, and also a 3 gun SOTY match followed. We had 16 shooters for the meters match, and 12 shooters for the SOTY match that followed. We had two very good junior shooters, Joe Oates and Devin Roberts, and they both shot very well. They hold their own very well in any crowd:) I think we need more of these young folks involved in the rimfire game. I get a lot of enjoyment out of watching them shoot, and they seem to enjoy it as well.
Leonard Baity of "Baity Custom Gunworks" was there with a few of his new Falcon rimfire BR actions prototypes,and I think most folks enjoyed seeing them and he also demonstrated the dissasembly and the features.
I would like to thank all Wallace Putnam for helping me score targets, Devin Roberts for taking down targets and helping others put theirs up too, and all those that helped out during the match. Thanks to those who moved the target frames back to 50 yards for the second match. Having folks pitch in really makes a difference and makes everything go well.
Bob Collins and Jim Mollica came up from Georgia, and Robert and Joe Oates came from quite a ways too, to shoot the match. It was their first visit to the range, and I do hope they will come back. I really do appreciate all of those who attended because without shooters we can't have a matches. Conditions were squirrely, and it was HOT and HUMID. I think I was tired after shooting the second target, maybe even the first. Thanks to all who were involved. Just can thank everyone enough!!! Results are as follows:

NC State 50 Meters
1- 249-9X- Alvis Beach
2- 247-11X- Truman Webber
3- 246-8X- Steve Paisley

10.5 class
1- 249-11X- Truman Webber
2- 248-14X- Devin Roberts (junior)
3- 248-10X- Ernie Jenderko

13.5 class
1-250-17X- Allen Stigall
2- 249-17X- Wally Putnam
3- 249-10X- Robert Varney

2 gun
1- 496-30- Allen Stigall
2- 496-27- Robert Varney
3- 495-22X- Ernie Jenderko

3 gun
1-742-28X- Alvis Beach
2-741-32X- Truman Webber
3-740-38X- Robert Varney

SOTY Match
1-247-11X- Ernie Jenderko
2-247-9X- Alvis Beach
3- 245-11X- Kent Owens

10.5 class
1-249-17--FM-22 Wallace Putnam
2-249-17X-FM-10- Allen Stigall
3-249-13X- Alvis Beach

13.5 class
1-250-16X- Allen Stigall
2- 249-14X- Wallace Putnam
3- 249-13X- Alvis Beach

1- 745-35X- Alvis Beach
2- 741-39X- Wallace Putnam
3- 739-37X- Ernie Jenderko

Thanks to everyone who stayed and suffered the heat and humidity. It wasn't easy!
You had a well attended match
I enjoyed being with my friends
Good to See Steve Paisley shooting again

And as always seeing Alvis Beach
Shooting with out wind flags and finishing his Target’s in 3 or 4 minutes
Telling everyone he can’t shoot a lick
But then beating us like a drum
Has always been a mystery to me

Alvis Beach and Wilbur Harris
Are Proof it don’t take as much equipment to Play this game as I might think

Looking forward to seeing you and Devin at Kettlefoot next week

Thanks again for a good Match
Thanks for your help during the match! If I had to do everything by myself running a match, I would not be able to keep holding matches. My bad back, and bad hip just wouldn't hold up. I definitely plan on bringing Devin back to Kettlefoot with me for your match. He enjoys shooting and I enjoy helping him do it, so it's a win/win situation for both of us. I really appreciate the support from the Kettlefoot shooters, and all the others as well. That's what keeps the game going on.
It would definitely been more fun if it had not been so HOT and HUMID.
You and Devine put on a good shoot. It was good to see everyone. The new rimfire action that Leonard Baity has looks great. Hope to see you soon.
Robert & Joe