Not much that I know of in the West. There are the postal score matches, which you can still join its 65 bucks search Postal match Jason Stanley. Score match done through the mail, its fun. Shoot at your convenience.

Other than that there are NBRSA group matches at Phoenix, Visalia and Sacramento. Springville, Ut. Albuquerque, NM, Raton, NM
Grand Junction, CO, All coming up shortly.

What kind of gun do you own?
I wanted to check if there was any in my area. I am in the process of trying to start up VFS here in Las Vegas. I am not sure if it would be worth the effort unless we can attract out of state shooters.
Does NBRSA now sanction VFS matches? The last time I looked, they didn't. As to Vegas - they used to host HBR score and Varmint Group matches. They never could get enough participation to make a go of it. They always lacked an aggressive match director to plan and promote the matches. And the wind . . .

I checked with Lou Murdica and he said VFS falls under the Hunter format. I could not find any info on the NBSRA web site. Our club still shoots Hunter with a few out of state shooters at times. I am well aware of the poor planning of the Varmint group matches. Too many politics to start a discussion on that one.
NBRSA VFS is going into it's second season this year. I know nothing about it's rulebook status.

VFS is sanctioned by the NBRSA. I ran 12 registered matches in 2010 at the Austin Rifle Club outside of Austin, Tx. We had about 14-20 shooters at each monthly match. The match results were posted on this site and in the NBRSA news letter. The Gulf regional and Texas State match for VFS and Hunter will be in Tomball, Tx. in July. This is a two day (Sat-Sun) match at both 100 and 200yds. This is just my personal opinion, but as time passes, I see Hunter going away and being replaced by VFS. I think the only thing keeping Hunter alive was that the NBRSA didn't sanction VFS. Now that they do...what's the use of using a 6X scope?

Just an opinion,
VFS is sanctioned by the NBRSA. I ran 12 registered matches in 2010 at the Austin Rifle Club outside of Austin, Tx. We had about 14-20 shooters at each monthly match. The match results were posted on this site and in the NBRSA news letter. The Gulf regional and Texas State match for VFS and Hunter will be in Tomball, Tx. in July. This is a two day (Sat-Sun) match at both 100 and 200yds. This is just my personal opinion, but as time passes, I see Hunter going away and being replaced by VFS. I think the only thing keeping Hunter alive was that the NBRSA didn't sanction VFS. Now that they do...what's the use of using a 6X scope?

Just an opinion,

NBRSA has a hard core group of Hunter class shooters. Many of these guys shoot both classes. Some won't shoot the "Big Scope" as I hear the VFS gun called sometimes. I would not look for Hunter Class to die anytime soon but it seems to be fading out in IBS as more old shooters are leaving the sport than new are coming in.

While your idea is good and Las Vegas is an easy sell,your largest obstacle will be the securing the clubs permission and support. I used to run the IR-50 matches in Las vegas and was involved with putting on the Varmit group matches, and the battle with the Desert Sportsman Club was hughe! Let me give you an example we had a 2 day regional planned and people committed and enroute to the match george kelby was even enroute from ohio, the board of directors 1 week before the match had a meeting requesting the benchrest match director's attendance, on the day of the meeting he was hospitalized and failed to attend, the board of directors waited until 2 days before the match and told us they cancelled our match because the match director failed to attend the meeting and absolutely refused to allow us to hold the match! We were on the phone for hours contacting people enroute to turn them around! I am not kidding when I tell you that the president and his cronys hate benchrest and they look for any reason they can find to run benchresters off! They also Don't want the general range tied up for 2 days,because they get a plethora of complaints because members can't sight in their hunting rifles. I personally don't care for the current Hunter Match Director and when I am in Vegas during a match I refuse to contribute my dollars to Desert sportsman or the current match director. I will start competing again when they finish the new public range on the north east side of town, I have read that the publc range is complete and open but the benchrest range isn't complete yet, so if your going to hold matches you might want to think about bringing them on line when that range is up and running. The guy that used to run the Ben Avery facility in Phoenix is running the new public range. He works for parks and recreation but I don't remember his name.
There are also a few other benchrest shooters in vegas that don't compete for the reasons stated above!
The "Use" in Using a 6X Scope in Hunter Class

The NBRSA target for Hunter Class is designed to make sighting rather easy for the 6X scope use. The very heavy red colored border circle makes centering the ten ring with a 6X scope quite simple even with 70+ year old cataract eyes like mine. With this fine target providing the needed image contrast for resolving the target, if your rifle is really in tune, its not that difficult to keep your shots touching with a clear 6X scope, even at 200 yards.

Hunter Class was intended to encourage new shooters, deer hunters, to try benchrest with the type of rifle, 30-30 power and deer hunting 6X scopes, that they already had experience with! Just another way to attract more shooters to bench rest!

The 6X scoped Hunter rifle is a whole bunch of fun to shoot! Recoil pads are permitted for anyone who wants to use one. Most people who complain about the 6x haven't really given the Hunter Class rifle a fair chance. SO STOP TRYING TO PUT THE 6X DOWN!
T K Nollan
I am not sure who you are but we have probably shot in a few matches together back in the early nineties. Your experiences with Desert Sportsman is the truth because I know the whole story and those individuals that were involved in that fiasco. BUT that was a long time ago and thank God ALL the people that were involved are no longer members or in any position of authority.
Benchrest matches are now shot four Sundays a month including Groundhog, Hunter, RBA, and factory rimfire. We have complete support of the E-Board and the use of the benchrest range.
The new public range you are speaking about is the Clark County Shooting Park. There was alot of hype going around about the new range but things did not end up the way we expected. Turner was running the range who came up from Phoenix. He got so discusted with the whole thing that he quit. Considering how hard Vegas has been hit with the economy that Clark County is broke. They are now saying that if and when they start to recover that it will be at least 10 years before we see any other benchrest ranges built there.
Most people who complain about the 6x haven't really given the Hunter Class rifle a fair chance. SO STOP TRYING TO PUT THE 6X DOWN!
T K Nollan

T K, I've been running Hunter matches at the ARC since the mid-eighties; so...I think I've given Hunter Class a fair chance. However, during that time the number of Hunter shooters attending has dropped from 12-15 to at the most 4-5. Of the last Nationals I've attended (Raton, Casper, Kansas City, Wright City) the numbers have dropped from well over 100 to the mid fifties. I know you to be one of the best Hunter Class shooters in the game and always in contention for the top spot. I sure hope Hunter does not die and I love my new Leupold Hunter 6X I bought last year. The target is bright and sharp when I look through it, no matter at 100 or 200yds. Much better than the much blurrier but highly magnified target I see through my Weaver 36, that I have to put on my Hunter rifle and shoot VFS when no Hunter shooters show up. At the match last month at the Dietz range in New Braunfels, I had to shoot group with the LV guys with my Hunter rifle when I was the only Hunter shooter that showed. I didn't come in last though. But to me, it wasn't the fun Hunter class is.

I hope Hunter doesn't die out since I really enjoy shooting it. And I've got too much invested in a new Krieger barrel and more of Randy's great bullets. But...from some of the talk I hear at the matches, and with more of the Hunter shooters dropping out, I'm afraid for the future of Hunter. But...I'll still show up; but with my Weaver 36 just in case.

Good luck in your next match,
One thing that could help NBRSA Hunter shooting would be to eliminate the case capacity rule.

Effectively, this would allow the 30BR, 30 Grendel, etc. cases. Making these guns more straight forward to build, while retaining the main parameters of the class (6X scope, 2.25" fore end and 10 lbs.), would be a positive step.

The IBS, which has two 6X classes sperated by only case capacity, should drop the case capacity rule and roll both classes into one 6X class.

And if both the NBRSA and the IBS would recognize a Two Gun National Champion (combo of 6X and VfS), you would increase the number of people shooting both classes.

Good shootin'. :) -Al
Thats really great news that the people in charge have now been replaced, next year when I spend part of the winter there I will certainly bring my gear.

I think your modification of case capacity rule would certainly help, I think in order to spurn more interest in hunter the target needs to be modified so that at 100 yards 250's aren't the norm. Wheres the fun when you go to a match , like the nationals where the first 25 or so people shoot 250's? I have been to at least 2 nationals and in the 1995- 2000 hunter numbers were pretty good, then they changed them from a 3 day shoot on a weekend to the middle of the week and I feel that that change had an impact on the number of people attending. I know back then I only had to take two days off of work but now its a whole week! I also shoot group and out west here theres a lot of miles in between matches. I love shooting hunter but it seems that with the advent of such great equipment and shooting ability a 250 at 100 yds is childs play so to speak. Thats why I would suggest a target change. I used to shoot international small bore and the target's scoring rings are evenly spaced and the tiny dot in the middle if I remember correctly is a 10 not an X if that target was adapted you would have to really work to shoot a 250 at 100 yds, this challenge by itself I think might re- invigorate hunter class along with removing the case capacity rule. Same with VFS and I have only shot that once in La Grande,Or. and it was fun with the ppc but here again the 250's were king, and if you think I am complaing about 250's I am not, i won that VFS match and agg. I just want things to be a bit more difficult so everyone is challenged.
One thing that could help NBRSA Hunter shooting would be to eliminate the case capacity rule.

Effectively, this would allow the 30BR, 30 Grendel, etc. cases. Making these guns more straight forward to build, while retaining the main parameters of the class (6X scope, 2.25" fore end and 10 lbs.), would be a positive step.

The IBS, which has two 6X classes sperated by only case capacity, should drop the case capacity rule and roll both classes into one 6X class.

And if both the NBRSA and the IBS would recognize a Two Gun National Champion (combo of 6X and VfS), you would increase the number of people shooting both classes.

Good shootin'. :) -Al

Totally agree. I also think for the shooters with a more modest budget, they could build a 30BR rifle that conforms to Hunter standards minus the caliber restriction, and compete both in Hunter or VFS which ever match was more convenient.