

mike in co

is there anyone in charge ?
is anyone awake ??
pull up the site and it lists 2012 results!
2014 points standings !

email to the staff has been unanswered for 5 days
I talked to Audrey Brown by phone today and received an email reply this afternoon.
All is good at NBRSA.

Joe McNeill
SW Arkansas
is there anyone in charge ?
is anyone awake ??
pull up the site and it lists 2012 results!
2014 points standings !

point standings are posted at the end of the year after all the national matches have taken place (neither NBRSA nor IBS have) and points awarded.
thanks arron, that does make sense....2012 results do not.
and still have not heard back....
i guess i have to call...

point standings are posted at the end of the year after all the national matches have taken place (neither NBRSA nor IBS have) and points awarded.
All the match results are now posted in Precision Rifleman. No need to create extra work by posting them on the web also.
is there anyone in charge ?
is anyone awake ??
pull up the site and it lists 2012 results!
2014 points standings !

email to the staff has been unanswered for 5 days

I sent Audrey an email couple weeks or so ago request v a screamer patch. Got a reply the next morning. Patch in the mail two days later.
could you pm me her email, and i will try that.
i got no response so far
that is sort of backwards...
most things have moved to online and away from paper.

yes i get the magazine.

All the match results are now posted in Precision Rifleman. No need to create extra work by posting them on the web also.
nope that aint it..
but as long as you brought it up...
i have shot in THREE nbrsa matches.
i have a national championship and one point in the hall of fame.
how many matches have you shot ? how long have you been shooting br ? and what national championship have you won?
i did not see your name on the list...nowhere!
you guys give me crap all that time, i do as you ask..i go shoot registered matches...and you still cannot handle it.
you have a good fourth !

I've got mikey on ignore. He must have a point and wants it in print.
that is sort of backwards...
most things have moved to online and away from paper.

yes i get the magazine.

if you get the magazine, turn to the last page where it lists officers, directors and staff. page 31 of the May issue. Audrey's email is listed there.

i would imagine that a majority of her time and effort goes to getting content and match results into each month's PR magazine, not the website.

one other thing. i'm sure some of the match directors are unable to sleep and quit going in to work until after they send off the results to the NBRSA. others, send in the info when they get time. when was the LR nationals? 3 weeks ago? i'd be surprised if she has even received the results from the match director, much less posted them.
if you get the magazine, turn to the last page where it lists officers, directors and staff. page 31 of the May issue. Audrey's email is listed there.

i would imagine that a majority of her time and effort goes to getting content and match results into each month's PR magazine, not the website.

one other thing. i'm sure some of the match directors are unable to sleep and quit going in to work until after they send off the results to the NBRSA. others, send in the info when they get time. when was the LR nationals? 3 weeks ago? i'd be surprised if she has even received the results from the match director, much less posted them.

OK...I should stay out of this thread, but...I have been a match director for registered and non-registered matches, short range and a few long range matches..all is done on site in a custom computer program. Results are printed and posted several times during the match..and at the end of the match all results are posted for the competitors to see before the awards are handed out..THE COMPLETE RESULTS ARE IN THE COMPUTER, and can be sent via email ALL OVER THE WORLD in a matter of seconds from the match site, if internet is available (or G3-G4 service)..it is just a that simple...a match director that doesn't have those tools and skills should have a person that does have those skills at their match...wating a week or more to share the results is hard for me to grasp..:confused:

Eddie in Texas
San Angelo, TX
I understand your thoughts Eddie, but how can Audrey print what she doesn't have? Remember there is a leadtime on printed matter.
The guy probably saw the results at the match and getting a copy by computer is not what he is looking for as he wants all of us to see it in the funny papers. Funny papers is a term from Jay Lynn Gore.
Yes, we do like to see our name in print.
i understand what eddie said...
it reminds me of the soldier that said he was too busy cycling the bolt on his rifle to learn how to shoot a garand.
people stuck in the past.
oh well i will try her on monday