NBRSA Schedule

Just curious if we are ever going to see the schedule on the web page. Seems to me that it gets later every year in the news letter. Hard to plan vacation time when the schedule ain't out until June or July.
Setting your standards a bit high for the NBRSA aren't ya? If you dint expect anything from the NBRSA you wont be disappointed when they fail to provide what should be expected. I really hate to kick a dead dog, But in my opinion and experience over the past few years the NBRSA is dead. I just pay my dues so I can shoot in local match's.
The last i was told

About the website was that someone was being hired to update the records and the schedule. That was the word given to me at the Cactus this year.

And they wonder why

And they wonder why the attendance is down and it is hard to attract new shooters. Try being a new shooter and finding out what is going on in your area...almost impossible...let alone planning your schedule. :mad::mad::mad:

Tom :(
Here in the eastern Region NBRSA, Hobie Bond is our Regional Director. Although I haven't shot in a few years (work schedule sucks), I still get emails about every month from either Hobie, or clubs in our area that areholding matches. It may very well be the NBRSA's job to put out match schedules, and reports, but as a shooter you need to gather this info for yourself as well.

In Michigan we have a few ranges, as for NBRSA, we have Holton, and WWCCA. We also have Harrison, now non registered, and Iosco's 2 IBS registered Ranges.

Durring the winter months Ranges in our area set their schedules and either mail them to shooters, or e-mail them, or post them on their websites. I gather this info and put together a calendar that lists the matches that are important to me for various reasons, whether it be to attend, or to make sure I don't schedule against Larger matches. My calandar works for me and may not work for you either because of different shooting priorities, or different location, but here is an example.

You get out of it what you put into it!



  • Major Matches 2008.pdf
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Not to be argumenative

Not trying to be argumenative but the only time that I have heard from our Director for the Mid Continent Region is a post card wanting my vote for his reelection.

It is sad that the 2008 schedule just arrived last week in the NBRSA News for March. It is still not available on the WebSite for many of the regions.

I have been very proactive in finding out what the schedule is, however, many others are not as proactive. I knew the complete schedules for Mill Creek and St Louis in December of last year. I challange you to find a listing for the Mid Continent Region by NBRSA for their membership anywhere before the March News issue. The NBRSA had the Mill Creek match information late last year and they never published it.

The bottom line is that there is a break down in communication of the schedules of the planned matches. If we want more participation and grow the organization and sport...we need to communicate.

Tom :(
I do have the Mill Creek schedule as I am thinking of going down there in October when it is cooler. It would be nice if the schedule got in earlier, but I can and have contacted individual clubs for their schedule.
If you're a member of the NBRSA there is a schedule published in each issue of NBRSA News and lists every shoot that has been scheduled.