NBRSA Nationals SP 200 & Grand LV 200 & Grand


Tomball Gun Club
SP 200 Top 5

#1 Gary Ocock .1524

#2 Rod Brown .1635

#3 Mark Buettgen .1745

#4 Don Geraci .1798 :)

#5 Tom Libby .1824

SP Grand

#1 Jack Neary .1846 (New Record)

#2 Gary Ocock .1851 (New Record)

#3 Mike Radigan .1872 (New Record)

#4 Mark Buettgen .1901 (New Record)

#5 Rod Brown .1928 (New Record)

LV 200

#1 Gene Bukys .1506 NEW WORLDS RECORD ( Tomball Gun Club)

#2 Lee Hachigian .1798

#3 Denny Andrews .1816

#4 Tony Boyer .1823

#5 Mark Buettigan .1877


#1 Tony Boyer .1661 (New Record)

#2 Jack Neary .1731 (New Record)

#3 Jim Courtney .1805

#4 Gene Bukys . 1806 (Tomball Gun Club)

#5 Jeff graves .1925

If I misspelled a name please let me know and I will correct it. Thanks Vic
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Sending out a couple of At-A-Boys for my guys from the SW Region.

Way to go Messrs. Ocock and Libby. For those that may not know, Tom Libby shot a potential new SP 200 group world record witn a .093 :D

Very cool when the top five SP Grand all broke the world record. Way to go everyone.
SP 200 Top 5

#1 Gary Ocock .1524 (Ben Avery Benchrest Club)

#2 Rod Brown .1635

#3 Mark Buettgen .1745

#4 Don Geraci .1798 :)

#5 Tom Libby .1824

SP Grand

#1 Jack Neary .1846 (New Record)

#2 Gary Ocock .1851 (New Record) (Ben Avery Benchrest Club)

#3 Mike Radigan .1872 (New Record)

#4 Mark Buettgen .1901 (New Record)

#5 Rod Brown .1928 (New Record)

LV 200

#1 Gene Bukys .1506 NEW WORLDS RECORD ( Tomball Gun Club)

#2 Lee Hachigian .1798

#3 Denny Andrews .1816

#4 Tony Boyer .1823

#5 Mark Buettigan .1877


#1 Tony Boyer .1661 (New Record)

#2 Jack Neary .1731 (New Record)

#3 Jim Courtney .1805

#4 Gene Bukys . 1806 (Tomball Gun Club)

#5 Jeff graves .1925

If I misspelled a name please let me know and I will correct it. Thanks Vic

I had to give balance to all the kudos for the fine shooters from the Tomball Gun Club :D Ben Avery Benchrest Club has a few guys that can shoot.
You've hit the nail on the head

This is getting really disgusting! They're not going to leave any achievable records!

These selfish basterds are scaring off any new shooters with this thoughtless attack on the records. If they were truly interested in the long-term health of our sport, they would take one for the team and cross-fire on each others targets.

Seriously, I've only been doing this for 2 years and can't imagine a more epic and historic assault on the record book. Not only did I miss attending this year as a participant, I would have loved to simply watch these great shooters in action - it must be something to see.
These selfish basterds are scaring off any new shooters with this thoughtless attack on the records. If they were truly interested in the long-term health of our sport, they would take one for the team and cross-fire on each others targets.

Seriously, I've only been doing this for 2 years and can't imagine a more epic and historic assault on the record book. Not only did I miss attending this year as a participant, I would have loved to simply watch these great shooters in action - it must be something to see.

Yeah! Ain't nothing going to be left standing when they're done. What's really pissing me off is the conditions they are having are exactly what I shoot best in, and I've got a barrel that could do well there.

This has been a hell of a year for records. Larry Sharnhorst set a record in UL 5 shot a couple of months ago, some where under .1100 if I recall. I saw Johnnie Stewart shoot .047 at 200 yards a few weeks ago. I seem to recall a couple of other records being set, but don't remember the details. Add the madness going on in St. Louis and 2009 looks like a banner year in benchrest.

Gonna be a dry season for records for a while :mad:
Just my so

called thought on these so called records.

There are so many that have been shot at the shoot. The bottom line is the only one that matters is the one which ends up being the smallest at the end when all the smoke clears.

It gets rather confusing when reading through it all.

JMO and sorry if anyone is offended by it.

Eli Lilly and Pfizer ...

the makers of Cialis and Viagra are going to have to warn of a new side effect: New World Benchrest Records are possible !!! Proceed with caution. :D
Last I heard,in Afganistan,lightin' up some diaper heads.
Don't want to steal a headline but it looks like Jack won the two gun, Tony won the three and four, and Scarborough Jr. won the 200 HV. Not shure about the HV grand? It would be nice to see complete results, I guess ya had to be there ?