Nbrsa lv grand
C coyotechet Chet Sep 21, 2013 #2 Good Shooting Way to go Bart! Very good grand Agg. Who's bullets where you shooting? Chet
B Bart Member Sep 22, 2013 #3 Hummmmmm whose bullets was I shooting???? I'd like to have a dollar for every time I've heard that one! I guess the classics never grow old! Bart!
Hummmmmm whose bullets was I shooting???? I'd like to have a dollar for every time I've heard that one! I guess the classics never grow old! Bart!
D dmoran65 New member Sep 22, 2013 #4 "Good answer... I'll be watching you".....lol Good shooting.... and Thanks for posting all the results !.!.! Donovan
"Good answer... I'll be watching you".....lol Good shooting.... and Thanks for posting all the results !.!.! Donovan