NBRSA Group Nationals ~ Unlimited Class "Heads-up"


New member
Guys and Gals,

Just a friendly reminder to those who will be shooting the Unlimited class at the NBRSA Group Nationals at the Fairchance Gun Club next week. Due to the downhill range/bench top orientation of the Fairchance range, would strongly suggest everyone bring a block of wood and clamps to place in front of your respective rail gun base to help ensure your base does not move forward during the firing of your group..... Ouch!

Looking forward to seeing everyone again at Fairchance for a great Nationals!

Jack Neary
NBRSA Eastern Region, Director
Hi Jack,

Thanks for the information! I am starting to pack up my equipment and would was not aware of that problem.

This will be my first NBRSA nationals and I would like to know if I can put in a request to have a little less wind than we had at the Hog Roast!

Bill McIntyre