NBRSA 600 Yard Nationals


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Robert(Bob) Hoppe is the 2009 NBRSA 600 Yard National Champion.
Second place went to Billy Copelin and his 2 brand new 6 Dashers.
Roger (The Expiper) Amos came all the way from West By God Virginia to set a pending 3 tgt score record and took home several prizes.
Don (The Pumpkin) Nielson won 12 target score and a box of plaques to go with it.
Jerry Tierney,Lou Murdica,Bruce Bangeman all did very well but I don't have the sheets in front of me to list all of the details.
The shooting as Jay posted below was very tough.We had plenty of switchy winds and so much mirage my 12-42 Nightforce never got off of 12 power.

Lou Murdica gave Eric(Ear Muffs) Stanton a phone call and told him to fly in with just some muffs very similar to what happened last time at Reno.Lou lent him his wife Connies 6BR with ammo Lou loaded up and he won a box of plaques and shot the smallest group of the match.

The guys from Idaho minus Jay,Idaho did extremely well with Bruce Bangeman taking home 2-3 plaques.

Turnout was 50 shooters despite the depression we are seeing in the economy and a good time was had by all in attendance.It doesn't get much better than 3 days shooting on the bench next to Lou Murdica,Don Nielson and Eric Stanton.The new March 36-55 is a very nice scope and a big thank you goes out to our new Match Director Craig St Claire.
He ran it like a true pro.We had free lunches on friday and sunday with a well catered free lunch of bbq brisket on saturday.Free soft drinks and water on the line and at our gathering point Culbertson Cove.
The scoring was done by Gary Childs and Jim Connell and the results were done before anybody had finished eating.Greg Wilson ran the pits and our own Guru of everything Bob Dorton got everything on the line and pits ready and waiting in advance.He is truly one of a kind.
More when I get through emptying my truck but before I go a big Thank You goes out to the suppliers who furnished us with prizes.

Bill Shehane at D-B supply The Ambassador Of LongRange Shooting donated a sweet stock.I offered the winner cash for it but he already had plans for it.I heard my father also put in a bid on it and was unsuccessful as well.
Sierra Bullets is always a great supporter as is Cabela's,Midway USA,Russ Haydon,Krieger,Bartlein,Shilen,Lee Reloading,Redding Reloading,Forster Products,Dewey Cleaning Supplies and a big Thank You to Mac Tilton at MT Guns.
Mac wanted a Barnard action to go to a non-winner and Rick Duncan was the lucky shooter.
Thanks for the up date Lynn.

Lots of tough shooters as usual it sounds like.

I'm sure a lot of people will be interested in you and your Dad's time and how things went for you.
Thanks Rudy
Congrats to Bob Hoppe and all the shooters who did well at the match. I'm hoping to publish the results very soon. If anyone has match results and if anyone has contact info for Robert Hoppe, please send email to mailbox [at] 6mmbr.com

Thank you!
Great job to all, congrats to the winners, I sure missed it this year, would have given my first born,and my left nut, maybe even my new lab puppy(not) to be there with you guys. Ron Tilley
Congrats to all, especially that Hillbilly benchrest pimp Expiper. You never know where he will show up, one day California and the next Ohio.

Great shootin Roger!
Congratulations Robert.

I hope this wasn't with 105 A-maxes. I am having a hard enough time finding them already.


My father was in first place in 2 gun score at the end of day ones shooting.I shot in the worst mirage I ever shot in and was way down the list.On day 2 my father shot in the worst mirage he had ever shot in and was way down at days end.I shot relay 2 on the second day and moved up 13 spots.On day 3 my father shot decent and ended up around top 10 in 2 gun score.I shot a pair of 49's in lightgun and the 6th smallest group fired but because of the mirage on day 1 I still finished around 18th but I don't have the paperwork handy to confirm that yet.

I will send you Bob Hoppes e-mail address.I forgot to mention earlier that Bob shot a world record as well but Roger beat it if it becomes official.

That hillbilly Expiper only shows up when he has a hummer barrel on his rig.We did dinner and breakfast with him and Roger is a good guy for the sport.He might live 17 states away but he showed us California guys about three faster ways to get to our rooms.The first two methods would run you around $372 a piece in fines out here so we stuck with method #3.

Bob Hoppe is shooting the same bullets as my father was shooting in his last barrel and I think they are Clay Spencer 103's.
WHEW!!!,,I finally got home.....

and got enuff time to sit down and relax...
Needless to say,,I had a ball at the Nationals...I shot pretty good each day ..but didnt know I had shot a record till it was all over...((I wish they wuld let us see our targets at the end of each day..so we culd ponder over our POA and POI...and look at the score/groups ...good or bad!!))...
I was shooting a Kelbly F-class action RB/LP ((20 moa. integral rib and recoil lug)) Leupold/Premiere 30-50 variable ((usually on 30 power because of the intense mirage during the event)) Jewell trigger--Krieger bbl..UHV--8" twist --.237 bore--cut at 28 1/2" by Greg Walley (Kelbly in house gunsmith) using a Kiff (PTG) .271 no-turn/.040 FB reamer....and guess what, a Kelbly Klub stock ...this combo. weighs 13.4 lbs (I cant carry a big ole' HG with my disability and use/build a versatile gun that can shoot in both long range and "point blank" events...
My 6mmBR load was 52 kliks (Culver measure) of Rx-15 --Fed. 205 primers--Lapua brass (naturally) and Berger 105 VLD's jammed just enuough to give the classic square mark on the bullet and slight bolt resistance to allow effortless gun handeling .....
The event was ran flawlessly by Craig and the food was GREAT!!!
Michael-b....Thanks for the complement...you are rite I was all Hillbilly "B"enchrest Pimped out in my favorite shorts and "T" shirts with a few holes in em....and the weather was cold and rainy...brrrrr.....one of my new shootin budies..Curt Mendenhall...loaned me a warm jacket so I wuld not talk so much to keep warm..grin...as you know I just take in 2 or 3 major events a yr...rather than 2 or 3 a month like some of the travelin "pros"...
Lynn..thanks again for dinner....I am working on a short cut around "LA" ....via Omaha!!!....say hi to DAD...
Ron Tilly ....shure missed seein you ....hang in there...better days ahead....
Congrats to Bob Hoppe....he shot well every day in both classes and deserved to win....Bill Copelan/Don Neilson/Lou Murdica were breatin down his neck all the way to the finish....
I have been shootin for 38 years and finally got a record....it is wonderful...Roger:D


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Hey Expiper

You mean it took you 38 years to beat my father? What took you so long? Dad says congratulations.
Just so everyone knows Bob Hoppe also beat that record but Roger beat it a little bit more than Bob did.
Roger was also using my super secret formula for his vision and in the tough mirage it proved to be a wise decision.
I also missed Ron Tilley at the match as everybody was asking me were he was.I am sure he will be at the 1000 yard nationals and ready to go.
We also missed Alinwa(Al Matson) at the match as well.He must have had some inside information about the mirage and decided to stay home.