native american rest



if you want to see a fine piece of workmanship on a rest design for me by BOB PASTOR go to and click on customizeing :D
Pete, Bob sent me a few pictures of your rest just the other day. I am a lucky guy as I am "Privileged" to able to call a fine man like Bob Pastor a friend, he is one of a kind that is for sure.

Bob has built me two rest, the first one is my Viper BenchRest rest and today the little brown Truck brought me the second one an F-Class rest.

you are going to enjoy this rest very much Pete, I am sure you will shoot it to the standered Bob built it too.

Here's just a couple of pictures of both of our "VIPERS"

P4100001 (Small).jpgP4100003 (Small).jpgViper F Class I (Small).jpgViper F Class IV (Small).jpg
I agree. Bob does fine work. He built me a front rest, and 3 tops. 3",5",8". Now he is reworking my rear rests as well. Excellent work, easy to deal with, and fast. No pics yet. Waiting on my rear rests to take pics. Waverly
he is currently bulding one for me too. black and stainless. Should weigh in at around 50 lbs. Getting a couple of tops, 2.5 inch for my 40x rifles, 5 inch for my custom BMG and a flat plate for the big bench blackpowder guns
got some pics last night, it is well underway. tops/base/riser mechanism done. Just the stainless hardware to go, then shoot!
Here is a rest a good friend of mine made for me. That rest bob is making is a fine piece for sure. i think you will like this one as well. Lee






The fella that made this rest made it in his garage. The man is a heck of a talent to say the least. We are making a couple changes, but that to be expected on a first attempt. The side plates that squeeze the bag ears needs to be a bit taller, and we are working on a minor fit issue on the baring in the handle. There is just a hint of play that really doesn't effect the operations of the rest but none the less it needs to be gone. The rest weighs in at a hefty 35lb. The weight is a real plus for me as i pin my rifle pretty hard. Anyway i hope know one minds me posting this here. I just thought i would share. thanks Lee
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that is very professional looking. My first 'rest' was the FCX that was similar in design. Some love it. I had some trouble and decided to go the full custom center mount style. Once yours is tight it will be the envy of many!
I apologize for hijacking this post. I hope i didn't offend anyone here. I started a new post in another forum here. thanks and sorry. Lee
You might want to delete this one Lee.

Hi Butch,

It's actually nice that Lee posted those pics on this thread. It's a great comparison of two rests for two very different disciplines. One set of photos is for rifles under 11 lbs. and one set is for rifles up to 160 lbs. Thanks Lee.
reworked rear rest

Bob Pastor emailed and called this afternoon with this link to his website. This is what he does with a rear rest. Take a look at the website, click on customizing button. There are before and after pics there. This will be going to Cool Acres next Friday. Maybe I can post pics of front and rear rest with the gun. Check it out. He does great work. Waverly

p.s my front rest is like the black one posted by Hombre above except for the knobs. No pics on knobs.

I received my rear rest today. Nice work Bob. I'm off to Georgia on Friday, and will break in the rests on Saturday.
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Stability sure is nice when u shoot, esp for the moderate weight rifles (45 lb pictured) now spoiled, o well