Nationals at Kettlefoot

Looking forward to seeing everyone at Nationals this weekend. We will have the gate open Thursday morning for anyone wanting to get in a little practice. If anyone knows in advance that they need 2 relays please let me know. We will begin drawing for benches for the Sporter Nationals on Thursday evening. If anyone has any questions feel free to contact me by cell or e-mail.

Sporter Nationals

The IR 50/50 Sporter Nationals on Friday will be contested Yards and Meters. Start Time 9:00 AM. Jim is AWOL today and asked me to get this posted.

WLM is the only one hyping it!

The IR 50/50 Sporter Nationals on Friday will be contested Yards and Meters. Start Time 9:00 AM. Jim is AWOL today and asked me to get this posted.


Wayne , somebody needs to help that old man in Borden with promotion , He`s trying to do it all by himself and he can`t even spell sporter but he is waitng on news from TKH on just how big of a hoe down You & Jones have Friday , Keep us Posted if you can ,Fiddler will be wore out Friday and unable to do it! Poor ole Fid!
Hey Slick,
Response has been great so far. Looking for a good crowd and great scores. Kay will be grilling those Triple Crown Burgers and the yearly IR50/50 meeting will be Sat. Evening after the match. I will post the results as soon as I can.
Good Luck !

Hey Slick,
Response has been great so far. Looking for a good crowd and great scores. Kay will be grilling those Triple Crown Burgers and the yearly IR50/50 meeting will be Sat. Evening after the match. I will post the results as soon as I can.

Recon another Sporter Meters Record ? Big Mike holds the 3 gun meters ,with that Killer ammo he has now ,Big Mike & TKH just might be dancing thru the 41 tulips(x`s) @ KettleFoot on Friday! Did Jones catch any fish today?

Don`t leave your Sporter @ Home .....8 Sporter Targets in one weekend ! Can Fiddler last thru all 8?
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