Whoa, tuff switchy day today. As usual better for the 1st card and then got tougher. Pretty day tho.
Thanks to the boys & girls (Vipha) bringing the goodies. Thanks to Tim for the air & coming out to help Joe score and thanks to Joe for providing this awesome range.
N50: https://www.national50.net/
NRA Whittington Center: https://www.nrawc.org/events/items/national-50-benchrest-league-national-championship/
USARB: https://www.usairriflebenchrest.com
MAC1: http://www.mac1airgunshop.com
Thanks to the boys & girls (Vipha) bringing the goodies. Thanks to Tim for the air & coming out to help Joe score and thanks to Joe for providing this awesome range.
N50: https://www.national50.net/
NRA Whittington Center: https://www.nrawc.org/events/items/national-50-benchrest-league-national-championship/
USARB: https://www.usairriflebenchrest.com
MAC1: http://www.mac1airgunshop.com