Myles Hollister Match



Two -Gun HV/Sporter

1. Bill Goad
2. Harley Baker
3. Al Weaver

For someone who wasn't sure about even going to the match, you did quite well and took home some wood! Nice shooting and congratulations to all the winners!

Bill McIntyre
Congratulation to Bill, Al and Harley. A special kudo to Dana Mattern for winning the SP200 agg and SP grand! Harley won the HV grand and both HV range aggs I believe. He faltered some in HV200 with two classic "4 and 1's" that hurt. Nevertheless, Harley was on fire most of the weekend to retain the title of "Master of Mainville". Bill Goad shot well all weekend for a well-deserved 2-gun.

Of note: A veteran of the IBS School at Tawas was there for his full weekend group match. John Cascarino of Appalachin, NY hung in all weekend and was doing particularly well in HV200. He shot a small "three" at 200 and was all smiles coming off the line. He is talking about attending the IBS Nationals. Welcome John!
Special Thanks to Bob and Edna White for running the Match! The target cre w did a fantastic job. I'm looking forward to the next match at Mainville in September.

Thank you also to Mark Trutt's mom for those delicious cookies!

It is nice to see the Keystone Match and the Myles Hollister match back after a years absence.

Bill McIntyre