My Quest for a 300yard chambering. Info here!!


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Some of you may remember me asking a while back about the perfect 300 yard chambering. Most folks suggested a 6ppc or the 6br. You also may remember the reason i was asking about all this was for our local 300 yard f-class match. Well i went with what i had, that being a 6ppc. I shot my first 300 yard f-class match down at that club this morning with that 6ppc and just tore hell out of those guys with it! Out of a 40 round count match, and a perfect score of 400, i shot just that. A perfect 400 with several x's to boot. As you will later see in the photo i provided of my targets, the center on these regulation 300 yard f-class targets are black in color and you can not see bullet holes at 300 yards. Not to mention the mirage was awful today. Sun was high and hot and it rained last night so the grass was good and wet. It was tough to say the least. Wind was around 10and pretty switchy and no wind flags, so i was one happy camper to have shot such a good score. The fellas that run this match did set some bright orange backers behind the targets so that it would help to see the hits but mine was placed in a bad spot so it was a bust. I was shooting blind, as were most!
So you fellas that told me the 6ppc is still the king even at 300 yards are correct. I have a 6BR barrel for this game but i dont think ill be shooting it much. The other shooters today were shooting everything from 6BR's to 300 win mags and they couldn't believe i shot as well as i did with 66gr FB bullets. Accuracy trumps everything, one fella told me once and i suppose he is right. Had a good day, as it always feels good to win at the local level with your closest friends. I dont win much at the national level, but thats ok too. Here is the targets. Two relays of 20 shots. My first target was a little larger than i would have liked but there again i had no idea what the wind was doing until i went down to take a look after the first match. Things got a little better after that. Thanks and enjoy! Lee


The x ring is 1.3" wide if that helps any. Groups are not great but it was hot and 20 shot strings you couldn't touch the barrel that i promise ya. I was laying on a blanket with my Farley in the grass and shooting a scoville bench-rest stock. Not perfect for this type of shooting but not terrible either. Lee

Fun Hu..! Fine shoot'n, specially with no flags........ I feel the same when I shoot F-class......... NAKED..!

AAC122910.................By any chance...........?!

being blind was only one obstical today. Laying on the ground without the proper equipment and mirage as bad as i have ever seen were definatly challenging. Mirage was so bad i dont think it would have mattered if i could have seen my bullet strikes. It was fun. N133 for me. 60 rounds with out cleaning i had to use a clean powder. Accuracy never did fall off. if anything it got better. Lee
congratulations good shooting in tough conditions.
What 66Gr'er ya shooting?
what twist?
I had a fellow tell me the other day when my shot out 6Br Barrel, out shot his 6ppc at 300yrds..I shot like a .850 with a poor shooting varmit load and bullet. Ah just for fun.
He said they had a fellow at their ground hog match pounding everyone at 500yrds with a 6ppc and they dont know how he does it..I said, ya just load it and shoot it.
so much for them high bc and fast twist stuff.. I cant wait to get my new barrel's shooting.fingers crossed X.shiped them off today.
We have a groundhog match at the Beaver Valley Rifle and pistol club 100-200 and 300 yards with a half inch ten ring and there were four 6ppc's in the first eight places. Also I seen a guy shoot a group under .250 of an inch at 300yards at the Southfork rifle club in thier 100-300-500 yard match, he ended up coming in first place using a 6ppc.
This was a groundhog match I don't think it would qualify as a group match and I don't think this match was a sanctioned match.