My new Bench Source annealing machine



I pulled the trigger on a Bench Source machine.
The first outing was with a 100 cases (fired 9 times) and new 100 Lapus brass that had been fire-formed.
It took me some fiddling to zero in the aim on the 2 torches using trash brass. I was using color photos from various angles as a guide as to how the flame/aim should look. Without the photos, it would be easy to not have the flame in good position.
The Tempilqa 450* verified the case base did not over heat, but the 650* paint on both the inside and outside of the neck was little help. With the lights over the bench turned off providing a dimly lit area, I timed the dwell in the flame to where the neck started to show yellow flame and a beginning of a glow. That was a "3" setting on the timing dial and 2 complete revolutions of the rotating plate.
I'm guessing I have a good anneal.
Hopefully, my bullet seating pressure will be more consistent, case to case.
Once set up, the machine is a snap to use. I expect the next set-up will be quicker.
I highly recommend this product.
Thanks for the update. Please let us know how the seating feels. I got a new machine set up and just need to get the courage to try it.