My CMP 40x is 7.5 inches low


Max Shaffer

at 50 yards. How much do I have to shim up the rear base? The scope rings are 3.8" apart. What shim pack would I need to use with Burris signature rings? And which would be the the best way to go. I am also 3" right, but I think the scope would take care of that. I doubt if the scope will go 7 1/2" up at 50 yards. Thanks for any help. Max
Are you sure the crosshairs are actually centered ? The scope should accomodate that amount of correction.
7.5" at 50 yards is 14 MOA.

If the Burris Signature inserts offer a 10 MOA put the plus on the bottom of the rear and the minus on the top.

If you want more you can put the plus 5 on the top of the front ring, minus 5 on the bottom of the front ring.

Doing both should net you a 15 MOA adjustment which should put you 1/2 inch above the bullseye.
What scope are you using ? If that is all the travel it has get a 20 MOA base and its fixed.

You can also center it and then try to zero it up ,most scopes should make it a 100 yards easy