Muzzle Brake & Indexing



I don't own any rifles with muzzle brakes, but I am curious about their installation and what they do to accuracy. I have heard a gunsmith say that a properly made & installed (with correct timing/indexing) will make a good shooting rifle. I have also heard other people say that you can buy a muzzle brake, thread the barrel, and screw it own.

I'd just like to know what the opinions about brakes and their installations are out there.

Some brakes dont need to be timed (radial). One installed and timed they have to be bored to whatever size over bullet diameter the gunsmith prefers and then blended to the barrel for a seamless installation.
Is there an advantage to a radial or either one of the two pics I previously posted? Or are brakes one of those where you just have to find one that suits you?
I had a factory remington brake come in the other day on a 7stw that had a hole big enuf for a 338 bullet. I actually prefer brakes with ports. They work so much better than just one port and holes. I deal with this guy- top notch brakes delivered very fast. makes a 338lm not even lift off the bags- check the videos in the 338lm post i posted.