Mr. Young, Please email or PM me about the stock. I lost your email, etc. Hovis
H HovisKM NRA Life Member May 25, 2011 #1 Mr. Young, Please email or PM me about the stock. I lost your email, etc. Hovis
B Butch Lambert Active member May 25, 2011 #2 Kevin, I have the sifting screens here at the Super Shoot. Who will bring them to you? Butch
H HovisKM NRA Life Member May 26, 2011 #3 Sorry Butch, Had to cancel out coming. Let me think and I'll let you know. Oh, I know, if Steve Turner is there, he lives close. I'll try and call him tonight. He only lives down the road about 50 miles and I see him at St. Louis and Holton. Hovis
Sorry Butch, Had to cancel out coming. Let me think and I'll let you know. Oh, I know, if Steve Turner is there, he lives close. I'll try and call him tonight. He only lives down the road about 50 miles and I see him at St. Louis and Holton. Hovis