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Powder Finger

I just registered as this topic is intresting with folks in the field posting...
My question is in your opinions, does the medication given in schools (for I think it's called ADD disorder, etc....) have an effect on what seems to be going
on with behavior?
Powder Finger they're unrelated. Nothing is "going on with our behavior" in or out of schools that isn't easily accounted for by societal mores. The fact that schools have been given the go-ahead to administer meds is simply another indication of just how lazy and uncaring we've become as parents. NOTHING reflects on our wonderful children. They are a product of US, the supposed adults. Yeahh, I think it's sick that the school nurse can give my kid mind altering drugs and abortion pills but that's MY FAULT!

Which is why I actually attend PTA meetings and such. And I, personally, and my family have had a huge affect on my local school district.

For "good" as I define it.

Al Matson, successful father of 8 wonderful people.
I think you are both right - the meds are just the current actions. The changes to the "societal mores" was just the attack on another flank. We've been getting played for a very long time.