Most incredible working Ferrari model

I'd seen pictures of this before, but never knew that the engine and transmission were operational. Absolutely fantastic!

This guy has the patience of Job along with a bit of skill too.
With his skill he could have designed and manufactured useful industrial or medical devices and bought himself a real Ferrari in a fourth the time. "I have no money" is only because he spent his time building a toy. It's OK if he enjoyed it. It's no worse than spending one's life watching TV or shooting bench rest.
Long ago I helped a friend assemble a Stutz bearcat model his dad sent to him from Italy.
Most of the chassi was of cast metal much of it brass, it was motorized and in those days before Radio control it had a control box with a long thin cable.
The steering gear worked and the engine parts moved as they would with the engine running.
It had a reverse and may have had more than one forwards gear.
I don't remember much detail, but I think this had the exposed rocker arms, the type a driver had to lube by had every so often.
The headlights even worked.
The model was pretty big, maybe a foot and a half or longer.
Scerri, took 15 years to build this thing, including about 3 to scale the factory plans which he had access to. The guages all work as well. Gary Kohs of fine Art models bought it and I saw it a few years ago at the Stamford Conn transportation museum. The video does not do it justice. I should report, however, it does leak oil.
. The video does not do it justice. I should report, however, it does leak oil.

Thats shows how accurate the model is. I've never seen any high performance import more than a year old that didn't leak oil.