More trouble for the once golden state



Hi All

Saw this and wanted to pass on shooters in California. The denizens of the North are trying to ban lead ammo AT SHOOTING RANGES in our Wonderful State (see below). Please consider contacting your state representatives before it is voted into law.

Kim :mad:

Friday, February 21, was the bill introduction deadline in the California legislature. We anticipate the legislature will make another aggressive push at our Second Amendment Rights and hunting heritage in the Golden State. At this time, the full picture of what we can expect from the introduced bills is not clear because of placeholder/spot bills that are common ahead of the deadline. Your NRA will continue to keep you updated as the bills evolve, however, gun owners should be aware of two incredibly dangerous bills that were introduced.

AB 3071, sponsored by Assembly Member Kevin Mullin (D-22), prohibits the use of ammunition that has not been certified as lead free at sport shooting ranges and indoor ranges. It also prohibits shooting ranges from selling or giving away ammunition that has not been certified as lead free and requires signage that lead ammunition is prohibited for use at the facilities.