Montana regional shoot Aug 8 results

ironman 51

New member
A beautiful day at Whittecar shooting range in Hamilton. Lots of sun, a little chilly, and of course the twitchy winds that this range is famous for!
A real battle for the Springers, as well as LV. We are a new club to the USARB and basically have no budget, but more than 1000 prizes were handed out (2 tins of pellets) as well as other prizes. And, three brand new synthetic stocked semi-auto rifles were given away to the first place finishers (rubber band powered this year). Congratulations to Pete Berube shooting that badass Thomas with not one, but two 250 scores in HV.


Jeff Crisler 235 5x 224 2x 220 4x 679 11x All shooters using FWB 300s rifles
Pete Berube 223 3x 229 1x 227 2x 679 6x
Mike Wesche 229 2x 230 3x 220 0x 679 5x
Sunny Rockwell 215 0x 195 2x 197 0x 607 2x

Jeff Crisler 248 9x 245 6x 243 7x 736 22x RAW .177
Mike Wesche 238 5x 234 4x 241 4x 713 13x FWB P70
Pete Berube 237 4x 239 4x 237 4x 713 12x Thomas

Pete Berube 250 11x 248 8x 250 10x 748 29x Thomas
AZ 245 13x 246 10x 248 8x 739 31x Steyr
Jeff Crisler 245 12x 241 7x 241 7x 727 26x RAW .20
Mike Wesche 239 13x 235 3x 228 0x 702 5x FWB P70

Last match of the year will be in October. TBA.

Best regards,

Jeff Crisler