Montana Extreme Copper Killer



I hate using the dropper to apply copper killer to patches and brushes, my wife's old contact solution bottles seem like they would be great for dispensing the stuff. So my question is will the Copper Killer (50bmg) react with the plastic bottle? or would it be safe to store in and dispense out of?

Brandon Carico
Brandon, I have been using a plastic squeeze bottle that lens cleaning solution comes in for over a year and it seems to be working fine. No leaks yet anyway....

Hi Brian,

Montana Extreme should be stored in tightly capped glass or metal containers to retain potency. The "good stuff" will migrate through plastics over time and also evaporate if not tightly capped. I transfer what I think I'll use into a poly squeeze bottle and recap the original container. There are flouropolymer coated plastic bottles that resist solvent damage that can be purchased from lab supply houses but they still don't cap tightly to prevent loss of potency during storage.

It's best to store in the container it came in and just dispense from a squeeze bottle.

See you this Saturday at the Hawks Ridge match.
