Montana Air rifle 4/12 match results

ironman 51

New member
The Whittecar shooting range in Hamilton, Montana hosted the season opener under the Big Sky. Typical Spring in Montana, t-shirt or coat or vice versa, great sunshine with gusty winds, and plenty of chances to get caught by the switch. It was obvious that all these shooters have amassed a lot of empty pellet tins over the winter, though. Everyone had a lot of catching up to do, and several observers stopped by to check it out. Great shooting everyone.


Pete 643 3x fwb
Jeff 641 3x fwb
Mike 624 8x fwb
Bill 581 3x fwb


Mike 724 24 x P70
Jeff 710 25x RAW
Pete 705 13x Thomas


Amador (AZ) 725 12x Steyr
Pete 719 23x
Mike 715 16x
Jeff 705 13x

Bestest regards to everyone!
Jeff Crisler