Montana Air gunners June 6 results

ironman 51

New member
A beautiful day in the mid 80's. Typical spring weather, started out really calm until we decided to start the match.


Pete Berube 208 2x 227 2x 223 2x 658 6x FWB 300
Jeff Crisler 227 4x 220 1x 209 1x 656 6x FWB 300
AZ 214 2x 201 2x 213 4x 628 8x FWB 300
Mike Wesche 197 2x 224 5x 203 1x 624 8x FWB 300
Sonny Rockwell 191 1x 186 1xs 175 552 2x FWB 300


Jeff Crisler 242 4x 243 6x 244 8x 729 18x RAW BM 500
Pete Berube 232 5x 233 3x 237 6x 702 14x Thomas
Mike Wesche 230 1x 230 5x 241 4x 701 10x P70 FWB


AZ 246 4x 243 7x 2418x 730 19x Steyr
Jeff Crisler 234 3x 242 6x 246 8x 722 17x
Mike Wesche 239 5x 238 4x 238 4x 715 15x
Pete Berube 243 8x 236 5x 230 709 13x

Jeff Crisler
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