Model 70/Timney Trigger problem



I've installed Timney triggers on all my Pre-64 Model 70s and love them. However, I've got a virtually new 1954 Model 70 I just installed one on and while everything works, the safety is really hard to engage. It pops off fine, but engaging it is really difficult.

Anyone have any ideas? Honestly, the gun is so new to me (and new for that matter), I didn't check the safety before slapping the Timney on but I may need to remove the timney and reinstall the original trigger to see what's going on.

The safety feels like it's binding when you try to engage it. Coming off safety is smooth as can be.


The problem lies in the cam surface of the cocking piece / firing pin .The cam area on the firing pin is a few thousands too far forward and the safety cam can not push it back . The firing piece cam needs to be filed back very slightly with out changing the angle . Only a few thousands other wise the sear will jump past the trigger when the safety is disengaged causing the gun to fire !

The process should be done by a qualified gunsmith that understands the trigger /safety of the model 70 .

I think you're right. I've been reading on Timney's website and that appears to be the issue. Actually, I'm in Phoenix (where Timney is located), so I may take it in and let them take a look and, hopefully, fix it for me.

I could use some replacement pieces from original triggers for the old model, got anything left over?

By the way, Timmney in Phoenix has always treated me vary well as a walk-in off the street.:) Good people to deal with.:D
Al, I'd be glad to give you what I've got but I always keep the triggers just in case I ever sell the guns. Sometimes people get nervous when you mention the trigger has been messed with, even if it's by installing something better.

I guess my question would be why you would want to change the trigger in the first place. That original model 70 trigger is excellent.
The original trigger is nice, but in my humble opinion, Timneys are in a different league. Plus, their ease of adjustment is far simpler than stoning and setting up a factory trigger.
