Model 70 Bolt Disassembly?

John S

The C-clip and firing pin spring have been removed.

I need to drift out the cross pin in the bolt end piece. (This pin holds the firing pin/striker assembly to the bolt sleeve) The parts of the Model 70 bolt may be call something else east if the Owyhee.

Is there a correct direction to remove this pin. Such as from right to left or from left to right.

Thank you.
John, Brownell's has..................

a "Model 70 bolt disassembly tool" that makes this job a snap, if you work on lots of M70s, though, you may consider duplicating it in mild steel. ;) Probably left to right. I usually fix them so they'll come & go from either direction.
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Nothing I can find for the Model 70.

Remington and Ruger only.

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