I'm curious. Do folks pay good money for such things?
Over here the auctions are often heavy with such old smoke poles at "take it off my hands " prices. My guess is that the cost of bringing them up to snuff over here just makes them rather unappealling. My friend who is in the trade has cut up dozens before consigning them to the scrap pile over the years.
Is there much of a market for old used .22's and their parts in the US.
If you go to EBay, you will find Mod37 magazines selling for $300ea. Very few Mod 37 Remingtons were made and they were pretty much hand made. Maybe folks in your country are not used to seeing quality smokepoles.
$300ea really, Gosh! But then you guys will pay serious money for an Annie or Martini that wouldn't achieve £100 over here.
I shall have to keep an eye out for any M37 rifles and parts at the auctions now. Which should make the fag end stuff a little more interesting. Theres an auction coming up in Sept IIRC
Hi again Butch
I've just had a whizz around the www.
Remington say they made the 37 between '36 and '55 producing approx 12.2k.in total.
I would guess that many of those 12K have gone the way of the scrap bin, having been replaced by the 54 Anschutz and Walthers and Remingtons own 40X etc.
I would have at a guess that the money now being quoted for 37 mags etc is largely due to the fact they have been off the production line for more than 50 years. I wonder how many Martini Mk3 Internatonals were built and remain in the market by comparision.