Missing serial #


Active member
I have a problem and need some knowledgeable input. I picked up a Wichita action, barrel and stock a couple of years ago. The action had been glued in and if there ever was a serial # it had been ground off when the action was prepped for the glue in. When it was transferred to me my FFL just put NS# on the transfer and ran it through that way. I have now sold and shipped the same rifle to a gentleman in IA. His FFL refuses to transfer the rifle and will only return it to me, which is very frustrating to me. I am told that missing or covered up serial #s on benchrest rifles is not uncommon and I know that I have at least two others inside sleeves that have no visible #. What can I tell the buyer and his FFL?

The serial number is stamped in the rear edge of the action. The rear of the action is cut square, look real close around that circumference edge.
The serial number is stamped in the rear edge of the action. The rear of the action is cut square, look real close around that circumference edge.

I appreciate your help. The problem is, the action is about 1000 miles from me and I think that it has been roughed up in that part as well = unreadable at best.

Normal fix for such a situation is to thoroughly clean off the area(s) where serial numbers were - then using a Q-tip, apply acid. Metal under the numbers is usually stressed as a result of the numbering operation, so the acid brings this pattern out.

NOTE: I am told (by reliable sources) this process does not work if certain types of welding rigs were operated over the location of the serial numbers.

Link to an article on "raising" firearm serial numbers: http://www.evidencemagazine.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=366

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I pulled my other Wichita out of the safe and found the # on the underside of the bolt shroud. I have no idea if it is in the same place on the one I sent.

The one I had was a "mini" action. It just so happened, it was here when I had the one and only visit from an ATF agent. Looking at my log book with "no serial number", we both looked and found nothing. It was some time later when the owner of the action told me where it was. I felt like a DA!
This sort of thing does happen from time to time. Try and tell the receiving FFL holder to call his local agent and get some advice on it.
This sort of thing does happen from time to time. Try and tell the receiving FFL holder to call his local agent and get some advice on it.

I attempted to get the buyer to do that, but he wouldn't go there. The local FFL here told me he deals with missing serial #s from time to time and has no problem putting NS# on the transfer form. Obviously, that's how I got it in the first place.
