I started a longer range .22 game at our club in 08.
We only have 100 yards max at our local range and I decided to go with silhouettes instead of paper targets to better simulate field conditions. We shoot at the standard rimfire rifle chicken silhouettes that are normally shot offhanded at 40 yards in official rimfire silhouette competition. Here are the rules:
The Raptor Match is fired on the highpower rifle range at 100 yards with a .22 rifle. The shooter moves from standing to prone or sitting with his/her bipodded rifle to engage five little chickens at 100 yards with 10 rounds in one minute - three strings - your score is the number of chickens standing out of all fifteen birds engaged - low score wins - tie breaker's anticipated - tie breaker will be a single string with only five rounds to be repeated as necessary - anything goes for the rifle as long as it is chambered for the .22 long rifle round and the rifle less magazine with bi-pod attached weighs no more than 10.5 lbs - repeat: the combined weight of the rifle, scope, and bipod with the box magazine detached can't exceed ten and a half pounds - the weight of the magazine of a tube repeater will have to be included for obvious reasons.
Due to this being an experimental fun match, I don't want people to have to go buy a bi-pod for this event. So, the Raptor participant will have the option of using a sling, sand bag, bull bag, etc or a bi-pod. But, keep in mind the shooter will have to start standing with the rifle and any support in hand, then at the command, assume position (sitting or prone) and shoot (all under the clock). To be fair the weight of the bi-pod, bag, and/or sling will not be included in the 10.5 lb weigh-in. Also, no rear support bags of any type will be allowed.
With only a minute, the wind can play havoc with the shooter. Must adjust on the fly. We used flags at first. But, decided to drop them and go with the blowing grass, swaying trees, and wind on the cheek as windage gauges.
Here is a typical match report (other than the fact that it is one of the few that I won
Match report: What a great morning of shooting as nine shooters picked off little chickens at 100 yards. We had to have three tie breakers and two of those tie breaker shoot outs had to run twice! We also finally broke into the Grand Master Class with not one but two shooters.
Thanks so much to David King for setting up the "pipe organ" stands well in advance of the match. And, a special big thank you to Anedra Gilmore for keeping up with our scores and firing order.
August 08 Match Scores:
Place, Name,1st string score,2nd,3rd,overall score,TB results,Rifle,Scope,Ammo
Novice Class (between 13 and 15 silhouettes left standing)
Rifleman Class (10 to 12)
Marksman Class (7 to 9)
1st Richard Strickland 2,4,1,7,two tie breakers 3 & 1 - Biathlon Basic,Swift 6-24X50,Wolf MT
2nd David King 4,1,2,7,two tie breakers 3 & 2 - Weatherby Mk XXII,Leupold 3-9,Fed Auto Match
3rd Bart Harkins 4,1,4,9,no tie breaker - CZ 452 American,Leupold 6-18, SK Match
Expert Class (4 to 6)
1st Tony Gilmore 2,0,2,4,no tie breaker,Savage Mk II BV,Tasco World Class 6-24X44,Fiocchi SM 320
2nd Peary Willard 3,2,1,6,no tie breaker,Thompson Center Classic,Tasco WC 3-12X40,Fed Champion
Master Class (1 to 3)
1st Paul Enlow 0,1,0,1,two tie breakers 2 & 1 - Ruger 10/22 Choat Dragunov,Simmons,CCI Mini Mag
2nd 0,1,0,1,two tie breakers 2 & 2 - Remington 597,Barska 6-24,Aguila Std Vel
Grand Master Class (0)
1st Danny Creasy 0,0,0,0,one tie breaker 1, CZ 452 American,Swift 6-18X44, SK Rifle Match
2nd James Day 0,0,0,0,one tie breaker 4, CZ 452 Special/Trainer,Barska 6.5-20,Federal Champion
The winning Raptor Rifle lurks in the ground cover after the match: