Milling Machine for under $5000



Grizzly has some mills for under $5000 what do you guys think of them.
Now i don't want to under buy or overbuy. Any help is greatly appreicated.
Thanks Justin
I have looked at this machine several times do find the (Table travel (longitudinal): 18" ) to be a handicap?

I was just down to the Grizzly annual tent sale this morning and they had about a dozen lathes there (larger ones) and they were all but giving them away. I was kinda surprised not to see a bunch of the guys from the PA range, since the range is so close and they're running matches today. I grabbed one of their 52" shears for $400. I saw 13" planers for $125. Can't recall much else really cause I had to go to work, but there's always a lot of good deals there. If you didn't mind a new lathe with some rust on it and that sort of thing, you coulda damn near gotten one for free.

The sale's on till 3!
J Louis

I haven't had the occasion to machine any material that is big enough to be unsupported in the vise for that long a cut. It wouldn't be my choice if I were making one-piece rests, though. The vise hanging over the back of the table is more of a problem, as it will damage the vertical way shield if you try to get the full Y-axis travel. I've just been planning around it rather than trimming the vise. Mounting a DRO would also eat into the Y travel. Still, it's easy to use and doesn't take up more room than I have!:D

I have a couple of Bridgeports with the 42" tables. They are just long enough to do stock work and some barrel work. Indiana James is right that most work is vise size, but not all of it.
Yea, but if you buy two vices that are identical, and then have them both trammed in, you can do a LOT of work on that mill with big parts. And, you can make spacers for in one vice to allow odd shaped parts to be held (like a stock) in such a fashion to do long cuts on them without part flex.
As butch stated 42" are just long enough . i am getting close to another mill purchase it will have at least a 49" table, if not the 54". i do not own a grizzly machine but have had the opportunity to use both lathe and mill both worked fine . however i would
spend the extra 300.00 and get the 49". i could put up with manually changing belts but not with the short table . T.R.