? Milling a stock ?


New member
I have a B&C varmint stock with the aluminum bedding block milled for a 700 SA and I want to mill it for a flat bottomed action. The action screw holes line up.
What's a good way to hold the stock to mill the action area?

I have a B&C varmint stock with the aluminum bedding block milled for a 700 SA and I want to mill it for a flat bottomed action. The action screw holes line up.
What's a good way to hold the stock to mill the action area?


Note that on this small mill the left handwheel must be removed. I use corrugated cardboard between the jaws and the stock.

The right hand clamp is also removed in this photo. Lay a piece of barrel droppings in the barrel channel then clamp on it to hold the stock firmly.

The vise is mostly to position and stabilize the stock. The outboard clamps do most of the part holding.

Note also the fine workmanship of this stock. This stock is from the late Mike Walkers estate and was for a Cruiser setup. Mike did much
better work in his earlier years. He made this stock when he was in his late 80's.

Thanks That gives me some idea what to try.


One caution, make sure the bedding block is large enough to go from round to square. (But you probably already considered that)

A better look showing the front clamp in place. Note that clamping over the front parallels insure the inletting to be level with the forend.

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I like to look at Chad Dixons web site every now and then just to make myself jealous. He uses 2 large Kurt mill vises. When I grow up I want to be just like him( you know be an excellent gun smith, I wasn't talking about the cute girlfriend ).