You're probably going to get the same tenor of discussion you got on your question on lathes. There are tons of relatively inexpensive used industrial quality mills available capable of doing anything you're capable of thinking up if you're willing to spend some time learning and looking. If you want something no one has ever turned on before and need to watch your dollars, you're going to end up with a decent hobbyist quality mill. I bought a 2 horse variable speed Bridgeport with chromed ways with most of the swirly marks intact, 2 axis Prototrac CNC and, of course, power feeds for about $5,000 in excellent condition. I got it from a small machine shop owner in Illinois who was downsizing from loss of contract work. He had two other manual mills in use when I went to pick it up but didn't need the CNC any longer.
I'm a relative newbie as well, but a comment that struck me early on was that all new equipment is made using used equipment. Check out machine shop auctions in your area for killer deals, see (they're high but good for reference) and their ilk, and, sigh, eBay.
Best of luck - and let me share this with you, it's a hoot once you start making chips.