mid barrel tuner.


mr. nobody

i'm just asking this because of all the node chatter. what about using a mid-barrel tuner along with the regular tuner? wouldn't it help to dampen viberation down the barrel somewhat and still allow the muzzle tuner to do it's job? i was thinking about all this today and was wondering about it. any and all ideals are welcome on this.
My experience with mid barrel tuners is that they work in some instances and not others. I've tried them on two of my guns. One showed a marked improvement and the other remained the same. My guess is that, if you're getting all your vibrations deadened with your regular tuner, you won't realise any benefit from a mid-barrel devise. But if you can't accomplish this with just a front tuner the mid- barrel will help.
Mid-barrel dampners

Some of the top shooters in the country are using them. Talk to bryan brant or joe besche amongst numerous others and ask them where they got them. It makes a difference where they come from.
Mid-barrel tuners

I put one on my 1907 Anschutz with a factory barrel back in may I believe it was and after getting it adjusted (by sliding it up and down the barrel) it has helped my scores about 300 pts. I also us a Hoehn type tuner. I've even seen some rifles with two mid tuners.
I bought mine from Charlie Scott @ Scott Shooters Supply/ 913-649-7658. I also expect that Joe and Brians came from the same place. He's also a great guy to do business with.

Larry Burchfield
if i purchased a mid-barrel tuner it would be from charles. i do buy alot of stuff from dan killough as well. each have been great guys and very helpful to me.

the thing i want to know is from bill calfee and varmint al. what would a mid-barrel tuner do to the node as they call it and would it help? they don't have fancy cartoons or anything with a mid-barrel tuner and regular tuner.

would it help to stop the vibrations of the barrel or not? everybody who is talking about tuners is leaving this one out and i want to know why. do they believe it's a waiste of time or what?

i'm not trashing anybody, but just wondering why they haven't addressed this piece of the puzzle. it works for alot of people when tested and tuned with the regular barrel tuner.
mr. nobody I had thought a lot about mid barell tuners, tuners and harmonics. this is what I think. if your pool table has one short leg you put a pc of wood underneath to level it. that is what a mid barell tuner does. it hides a problem with your rifle and never corrects the problem. wether it's inletting, bedding a mid barell tuner with a tuner is just hiding a harmonics or timing problem.
As was said, there's several folks using the mid barrel tuners with great success. I haven't used one on my rifles becasu ethey don't seem to need it, but I have a friend who uses on on a 40X and it shoots excellent. Jerry Graves had one on his old 40X that sure didn't seem to hurt the way it shot either:) Like someone said, in some cases they help and others they may not? You just have to try it and see sometimes.
you may have another opinion,but if I was getting a new stock and barell, I would buy one of the new von-ahrens tuner and weight sets. before thinking of a mid barell tuner. that's just where I would spend my money.
i'm thinking about the von-ahrens tuner. i might get a harrel tuner and the von-arhens wieght set. i'm going to finish our match year out tonight with what i have and then over the winter have the hall restocked and rebarrled. the guy who is ganna do it is ganna piller and glassbed it. he has been building great shooting rifles and i feel he is going to do the best he can on mine as he does all rifles he builds.

after the match i'm ganna see if wally will shoot a target with my rifle and see what he thinks before i have the workk done on it.

marty i got a stock that is ganna be pretty!! it's birdseye maple on the outside with wall-nut down the center of it. it also has the flat bottom on it so it should track better.
the reason I said the entire Von-Ahrens tuner is what Dan Killough said about no weights and it makes sense that some may tune with 5 or 6 ounces. with the Von Ahrens at 4oz it gives a shooter more options, thats just something to think about. I sent you an email, I just think if a rifle is tuned close to the middle then chances are good it will like slow and fast ammo. I would like to know any of the top shooters that use a mid barrel tuner what tuner and weights are they using, that would be helpfull to know.
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mr. nobody I had thought a lot about mid barell tuners, tuners and harmonics. this is what I think. if your pool table has one short leg you put a pc of wood underneath to level it. that is what a mid barell tuner does. it hides a problem with your rifle and never corrects the problem. wether it's inletting, bedding a mid barell tuner with a tuner is just hiding a harmonics or timing problem.

What is a timing problem? Brian Brant won the ARA Nationals last week was using mid barrel tuners. Joe Besche who shot 2 2500 targets in ARA last month was using mid barrel tuners. I don't think either one of them has a harmonics or timing problem.
James, I am not saying a good score is not possible however it would seem it defeats the purpose of a tuner. just would like to know the system and weights they were using. I think it's pretty obvious that good scores can be had when a quality rifle is at a sweet spot but is not tuned. wasn't around when they built my 52b but I figured those pads they placed in the stock were for vibration reduction and fit.

James, I am not saying a good score is not possible however it would seem it defeats the purpose of a tuner. just would like to know the system and weights they were using. I think it's pretty obvious that good scores can be had when a quality rifle is at a sweet spot but is not tuned. wasn't around when they built my 52b but I figured those pads they placed in the stock were for vibration reduction and fit.

That is not the kind of mid barrel tuners we are talking about. These are weights on the barrel between the muzzle and end of the fore end.
This is the type Pappas is talking about. I was thinking of getting one myself.

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My findings were that a mid barrel tuner will only help to make a barrel shoot better vs one that doesn't have one. Gene Davis told me that a mid barrel tuner will help to improve ARA scores by 100-150 points. Judging by Brian Brandt and Joe Besche scores they shot all year I would say they will shoot with them again on their barrels next year.
I will also add that Brians Turbo really came to life when he added the second mid barrel tuner. It went from a good rifle to a killer. They do not all respond to the second mid barrel tuner, but if you look down the line here in missouri you will see that most rifles that have them have 2.
