Metford Sporter


Mel Eck

I shot again yesterday it was cold at night warming up to 32 degrees,and shooting over snow. The first target was 2250 ARA second was a 249 16 x ,With the Mirage I was Happy. Might get to shoot more Sat or Sunday . We shot 8 lots of Eley ,This Barrel is not ammo sensitive, Both targets were shot with 3 different lots.
Jim ,I need to shoot one more 250 and it is up up and away.
Shot the Metford Sporter today 250 17x ,Also shot a Metford With a Fluted Barrel on aheavy gun 250 18x.Tuna The sporter will be on a plane when you want it.
Shot the Metford Sporter today 250 17x ,Also shot a Metford With a Fluted Barrel on aheavy gun 250 18x.Tuna The sporter will be on a plane when you want it.
On my way back from Vegas. I'm ready for it ....say hi to froggy

Mel ......Gordon was shooting early today

Peppers fluted Medford

Looks good to me. I am going to break it in a little for you at the RBA match

Tuna, can I talk you into keeping it until, oh say, late July or so? It may give me a chance to win a sporter target or two.