Message from Pat Byrne who lives just west and south of Houston.

Butch Lambert

Active member
It was a tad windy yesterday evening to go hunting, lol.

It was a pretty breezy night.. Haven't turned on the tv yet. Hey we still have power, for now anyway... Don't know what the winds topped out at but I'd hazard it was 80+. Probably still 40... If it was 80------ I don't want to see 90 !
Not much rain yet... Lots of debris in the front yard but we haven't been out to check anything else..

More later..
Good to here you came out OK.
Their should be some NG in your area soon.
80 mph wind? Just don't get caught in a reverse. I figure that's about 8-1/2 inches at 100 yards; if you center up & get caught, your target will be a DQ.

Seriously we had one come through Durham in the 1990s. I slept through it, but my wife said it was frightening. No power for a week. Everybody ran out of ice. All our & neighbor's food was getting a little ripe buy time power came back. We had a gas water heater, so ours was the designated shower place.
Hope Jackie didn't loose power. This forum will be dead if he cain't post.
Houston caught it much worse that we did.. We are 40+ miles west of the center of Houston...

Many in our area are without power as well, so far we have been blessed without a power loss.. TV is saying that most if not all of Houston is without power and could be weeks getting back online..

Knowing where Jackie and Gene are I expect they are without power .. Jackie may have caught a bunch of flood water.. I sure hope not but it's very possible..

Best of luck to all involved...
no power or water

I am without power or water still. They keep saying 2.1 million are without power. Easy to believe. It was a mostly sleepless night. I don't know if this will post from my blackberry, because cell availability is hit or miss. The storm was pretty stout.

My house in west Cypress area suffered some shingle damage and fencing blown down. One small tree down in the yard. Still no power or water.

Same as Joe, I am in south Cypress and have shingle and fence damage. Roof is leaking in three or four spots, at least that I can find.

Neighbors lost some huge trees, including one landing on his other neighbors house. There is debris EVERYWHERE.

I just drove up to 290/FM1960, lots of folks out trying to buy gas and lots of large trees down everywhere.

I did see one home just south of me that lost about 1/2 of its siding on the 2nd story.

I agree 100%, if that was 80 mph, I do NOT want to ever see 90. It was a scary, sleepless night, and I am blessed to be writing this right now.
I don't know where Jackie's shop is but due to the nature of his work, I bet it is close to the bay or channel. Hope not but would bet he got flooded to some degree. My son's wife's family live in the Woodlands and they are without power. Not expected to have power for weeks. Going to be tough with no a/c or refrigeration. Plus their son lives in Galveston and he doesn't know anything about his condo. Going to be a tough time for awhile down there.

My Niece and Nephew raise horses on their ranch east of Conroe. They had one big tree through their roof and another destroyed their diesel hauler. They are OK though.
Jackie Schmidt

He called me this morning and said that he and his family
are ok concidering what they went thru.

The eye of the storm went right over his house. Jackie
said that it took about 30min to pass over his neighber

His residence fared well just debris in the yard. His shop
sustained some damage.

Johnny Jones and sunshinei are ok. They got hit pretty hard
in Tomball. Lots of fallen trees....

I have not been able to get thru to Gary Walters. Lake
Conroe took it on the chin....

Galveston and Bolivar peninsula were totally distroyed!!!
Talked to Bob Estes, said he was a fool for staying. Said he only lost a few shingles and had a little water damage. He said waiting in line for gas for his generator was a real pain. Robert Whitewood came this way. He said the house that he lives in is OK, but hadn't heard on his other one. Anybody heard from Nick Merino?