Memories of WRABF World Champs USA 2011


Thanks for the post, and to Rebecca for her efforts in production. Very nicely done. Lots of great memories sit within those minutes, that's for sure.

That was a hot weekend for sure. Hard to imagine now with two feet of snow outside and freezing wind.
Yes true Dan it was very hot, but as the World Champs are generally held that time of year the next one will be cooler down under as it's our winter. But obvioulsly not the xtreme cold you guys get, the UK Team will probably still go for a dip in the ocean.
Great Video!!

Yes true Dan it was very hot, but as the World Champs are generally held that time of year the next one will be cooler down under as it's our winter. But obvioulsly not the xtreme cold you guys get, the UK Team will probably still go for a dip in the ocean.

I started to watch the video and started sweating watching it. Took my Ipad outside and sat in the snow to finish watching it.

Bedroom.jpgBedroom.jpg This is my gun cleaning room, also serves as bedroom. Rebeccas film shure did bring some tears into my eyes, correcting, they were sweat. Does anybody remember the refreshing "thunderrain"???
Jens as Plzen will also be hot i suggest a good tip for Team Finland is to rub dencorub on your bodies daily, thus acclimatising, might also work on your ammo