Mecosta Co. Rod and Gun


mike worthingto

We will be holding our last ARA match of the year on Saturday Oct 23 9:00AM. Sign in @8:00AM. This will be the last match in Michigan for 2010. Hope to see everyone there!!:D

Results for Mecosta Co Rod and Gun

Here are the results from our last match of the year.

1. Bill Nienow 2175
2. Tim Longcore 2168.750
3. M. Worthington 2087.500
4. Bill Wheeler 2062.500
5. Scott Hobart 1958.750
6.Rex Thompson 1896.250
7.Dick Volk 1748.750

Bill Nienow had the high target of the day and year with a 2400

The results of the Club Championship:
1st Bill Wheeler 2286.7308
2nd M. Worthington 2230.9231
3d Bill Nienow 2129.750

Hope to see everyone back next April!!
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Mike Worthington,
Tell Bill Neinow......Congratulations! That is awesome shooting. He's just figuring out that old "Rupert" gun and that "sceers" me (it's almost Halloween). Glad you had a good turnout. See you in the spring.

John M. Carper