Measurments on new Savage long range action


Jim S

I recieved 3 actions today and did somemeasuring this is what I found on the one I measured.

Bolt Diameter= .6935"
Reciever raceway dia.=.7014
Reciever face to lug face measured in 2 places on lug abutments
lug 1= 1.1315 and 1.1319
lug2 =1.1302 and 1.1299

Reciever wall thickness measured from outside of reciever to top of reciever threads in four places
.140 .131 .137 .136"

Bolt was stripped and installed in reciever and the following was taken;
Bolt rim depth from reciever face to bolt nose oposing sides
.6965 .6955

To bolt face near mid center oposing sides of firing pin hole
.8103 .8105 further away nearer to the outside edge measured .8092 which seems typical for the usual taper on savage bolt faces.

The savage lug sent with the action was off by .0008"

The one issue I had with the measurments was somtimes the depth mic would slightly teeter on the reciever face must have been a low spot that caused it to rest on one edge of the mic base.

The lug depth varience was more than I liked and the ample bolt to raceway space of almost .008 seemed excessive.

Next week I'll make a mandrell to fit the threads and clean up the action face, then remeasure some things.

I didn't mess with the trigger yet but on this particullar action, if I was not extremelly careful the trigger would trip on closing the bolt. Savage also includes in the packaging alot of lawyer talk to put the blame on the smith if there is an accident. Going so far as to say the assembler needs to, and is responsible for proff testing with;

"levels sufficently above operating pressures."

What the hell does that mean?
Well I fit a barrel to the LR target action today. I put the action in my trueing fixture and indicated the raceway off a precision ground bar. Set the .0005" indicator on the reciever face, and there was .004" runout!

I recut the reciever face and the action lug abutments, left the treads alone, mostly because of the already thin reciever wall. surface ground the recoil lug, and fitted a broughton 1.250 straight for 30" Chambered to 243AI with an 8 twist. Now I can wait for the stock to show up.

I think it is quite important to have the receiver face square to the threads. If not then when the barrel is tensioned it will assert unequal loads. If you have a 1.125-20 tap you could probably run it in the threads and indicate on the tap shank to get an indication of misalignment if it exists.
A typical and very common problem with guns is, that a manufacturer or a smith is trying to fit a new bigger (trendy) cartridge into the existing receiver/thread/bolt configuration. The invariable result of this exercise is a weaker/compromised gun.
It certainly doesn't give one much of a confidence to recut a thread on a receiver where the wall thickness is only .131" thin including the thread. Even it's not pleasant to see wall so thin, it's still safe as my calculated estimate on the material would call for some 28-32 000kg (of static load) of ultimate tensile strength to snap off the threaded section. One can easily assume that something else would give way much sooner than that.

Shoot well
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Reading the two documents

Jim, SAAMI calls for a 25% to 50% overpressure load for proof testing. That's pressure, not powder charge! One shot is enough.

You can download the test procedure here:

Another very useful document is here:

I would suggest saving both to your computer.

I especially liked the word "Voluntary". As if a small self employed smith would proof test his job with a 50% overload. As twice in my life I was in the unfortunate position where I had to have something done by the smiths and I required for them to proof test their work. One wouldn't use anything "hotter" than a normal factory load. The second smith offered me a bucket of sand and a army blanket for me to fire the gun (from the hip) into the bucket of sand with the army blanket thrown over the receiver. Funny enough both of these smiths had a long experience in the benchrest and the second smith over the years have build a quiet few winning rifles.

Shoot well
On my target action, distance between fixations screews has been modified.

The action can't droop in a standard Savage stock without modifications...:(
Was quite suprised by the .004" reciever face variation. That explains the teetering effect I got with the depth mic.
I recieved my stock today which comes with a short action inlet. Only the rear screw hole lines up. Front hole looks to be off by about 3/16". I'm going to get it fitted and bedded and see what she'll do. Might take me a week or two depending on weather some customers barrels come in this week.
Jim S,
You might check out and Fred's website, I think it's for information, there are different short action stocks. Action screw spacing is different on the older stagger feed receiver, most now are center feed (I think) the single shot target action you have takes the center feed stock. HTH's and good luck.
Savage long range action

I recently completed a 223 varmint rifle for a customer and we ordered a McMillan Savage Varmint stock with the inletting completed for that action and all the screw holes were there and in the proper position. McMillan has that inletting pattern.