measuring headspace tool



is the wilson head space die easy to check if i'm sizing cases properly to .001, and from the picture on their website how do you measure or check cases, i'm a little confused. thanks for any help
You have to measure from the base of the case to the front of the die on an unsized case. Then size the case and repeat the measurement; compare the difference. If you size the case so it fits below flush to the bottom of the die, this won't work.
headspade is a characteristic of a guns chamber/ is not a measurement on a pc of brass.
headspace clearance if the clearance around a pc of brass in that chamber with the bolt closed.

stepping down from my soap may now comtinue your discussion with the wrong terms....

mike in co
And all this time everyone told me "headspace" was the void between my ears.

no headspace is the design criteria for your space between the ears, head clearance is the empty space..

mike in co