McMillan stock question..


Bama Slama

I have a McMillan A-3 stock that has been inletted for a long action model 70... My question is will any other brand of action drop into this stock? If not, can the stock be re-inletted for another action?

Thanks, any help will be greatly appreciated...

Thanks Al....
Thats about what I figured.. wanting to build a long range hunting rifle.. Maybe in 6.5x284.. but not sure yet..
On a fiberglass stock that can be easily painted you can do a lot of mixing and matching. Decide what action you want to use and set it down in the stock and see how it lines up. Magazines complicate the issue but it's no big deal to fill in the existing bolt handle cutout and cut a new one to suit the new action.

Plan B - build your rifle on the winchester action :)
Thanks Ray...

I talked to Montana Rifle company today... Their model 1999 long action is based on the win model 70.. They said it would work fine in my stock with very, minor inletting.. sounds like a plan... or i could go with plan B...But I have no idea where i would find a original model 70 gun show possibly..