McMillan -7 mos. for complete install?



Six months ago today, I contacted McMillan about ordering a BR50 stock, with a "complete instaltion" with my rifle. Today I'm told that they believe it will be an additional 2-3 weeks before my rifle is ready to return to me. That will mean that from original contact it will be nearly 7 months...if I'm lucky to complete the order.

I'm not sure but I thought that I was told 12-16 weeks originally. I'm glad that McMillan's business is doing well and that they have such a big back order. I just miss my rifle and was hoping to shoot it in the Club matches in Jan. & Feb., hopefully I can shoot this rifle in the March club match. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

I feel your pain

I just got my Anschutz 2013 back from McMillan a few weeks ago. I had them install it into one of their BR50 stocks--with pillar bedding. When I sent the barreled action in they told me I'd get it back in 4 1/2 months. It actually took almost 6 months. On the plus side they did a very professional job; and when I inquired about the delay at the 5 month point they were very polite, checked with the gunsmith, and got back to me the next day.

I ordered a Benchmark 2-grove barrel from Gene Davis a week and a half ago for it--UPS is scheduled to deliver it tomorrow. I was fortunate in that Gene sold me a barrel he'd prepared for his own gun. Like most top gunsmiths, Gene has a long waiting list.
Dave, unfortunately that seems to be more typical than anomoly.

Show up at the next match and we will provide a gun for you to shoot, and pretty much anything else short of ammo. :)