Mckeesport Sportsmens IR 50 50 PA states



Hello my name is Jeff Matthews I take care of the IR 50 50 at Mckeesport Sportmens. I wanted to post something much sooner but I have way to many irons in the fire. Some of you have been to are SOTY shoots this year so you know me and my crew. If some of you have not been to are Sportmens club go to this link This is are new web site look around it this is one of my many irons in the fire. I also make custom knives which some of you have seen at Fairchance. Many of you liked the one I gave to Fairchance for them to give away at there shoot. So for the up coming PA states I will be giving away one knife on each day to one lucky shooter. I have posted pictures of the knife that was given away at Fairchance if your missed that one and the two others that will be given away at the states.
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A class act mckeesport 3 gun pa championship match

McKeesport hosted the 3 gun Pennsylvania State Championship match this last weekend. If you were not there you missed a great time. The match's were run very well.
This was Jeff's first year as Match Director had and new target crew and scorer to start this season.
We were treated as you would treat a guest in your home. After the match on Saturday and Sunday the club provided a light lunch in the new club house while the scores for the match and final results were calculated , and then pulled a bench number for the custom knife drawing.
If you ever get a chance to get over there for a match, you will have stiff competition, tough range, and a great time.
AND as my wife tells me

" Its only good if it is hard"
"She knows ALL"

Thanks Again to Jeff and his CREW at McKeesport!

Jerry Rosenberger