McKeesport Sportsmen's Association - PA State IR50/50 Unlimited Championships (Meters) 8/16/2023


McKeeesport Sportsmen's Association is hosting the second half of the PA State IR50/50 Unlimited Championships. This is the METERS ONLY match. The YARDS half of the championships is being held at Wilson Range this Saturday.

Registration at McKeesport opens at 3:00 PM.

Since we only have eleven benches, I'm anticipating two relays will be needed to complete the match. If that be the case, sighter strips will be handed out with the UL-1 targets. Competitors will hang both the sighter strip and UL-1 target. Five to ten minutes will be allotted for sighting in just prior to the start of the UL-1 relays.

The match will start as soon as the first relay is filled, and the competitors have finished setting up their equipment.

So far, the long-range weather forecast is for a cloudy day and no rain. I hope they're right.

Hope to see you there!
