McKeesport Sportsmen's Association - PA State IR50/50 3-Gun Match Results 9/3/2023


We had a nice turnout for the Pennsylvania State 3-Gun Championships. We started shooting yards and the conditions weren't bad. By the time we ate lunch and moved the targets to 50 meters the winds picked up started playing havoc with the shooters. Attached are the match results for both yards and meters.

As always, thanks to everyone for helping with the match. Special thanks go out to Neil for his fantastic presentation speech dedicated to Ben Seaman, to Jerry for running the lines and storing the target stands and to Tim for helping breakdown the table and canopy.



  • MATCH RESULTS 09-03-2023 YARDS.pdf
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  • MATCH RESULTS 09-03-2023 METERS.pdf
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It was a tough day. the left side of the range for yards was in sunlight and the right side in the shade. Dead calm with a tail flutter now and then.
Meters was again different swirling wind, all flags going anyway they felt like. It was if they communicated together to NOT follow trends, I know can revel why? THE "" fill in your favorite EVIL DEED DOER" hacked the flags.
It was tough conditions and a tough crowd.
Congratulation to Tony Harper for winning the State Championship and to all the shooters who showed up to shoot at McKeesport Sportsmans.
I took some pictures while the fun was going on and will attach.
Last, I want to acknowledge Dave Zosack for his role as match director. He runs a match like clockwork. His scoring, well you might as well save your $2 dollars.
Here are a few photos taken by Jerry Rosenberger.


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