McKeesport Sportsmen's Association - IR 50/50 Match Results- 09/20/2023


Yesterday was our last match of the season but the turnout was the largest all year. We had some fairly decent conditions and the scores show it.

Congrats to Eddie O. on his new rifle build. We now know it's a "shooter". The question is can he continue to do it justice?

It was a very close race between Joe Holchin and Tony Harper for the 3-Target Aggregate. When all the smoke cleared Tony came out on top with a 750 (49x) over Joe's 749 (48x). Can't get much closer than that. Excellent shooting, gentlemen!!!

Thanks to Jerry for calling the second relays while I scored the first relay targets and thanks to Tim for taking down the target boards and hauling them into storage. It helped more than you know.

And thanks again to all you guys and gals for the "Thank You" card. It is greatly appreciated!!!

Hope to see you all next year.



  • MATCH RESULTS 09-20-2023.pdf
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